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"if I was the flying snow
maybe I could reach you faster"

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"ITS APTITUDE TEST TIME SO LISTEN UP, THERE IS NO PLACE FOR YOU HERE IF YOU CANNOT PREFORM FAIL AND BE SHIPPED TO THE FEILDS!" Shadis told before calling names of the cadets so that they could take their test.

Eris was standing next to Bertholdt in one of the rows before she noticed a blond bowl cut that she had seen before, she walked over toward him and Bertholdt followed after her.

"Hey it's you from refuge place." Eris said as she recognized the boy who's name was something along the lines of Armeen.

"Oh yeah, wow I didn't even recognize you."

"Wait you two know each other." Eren asked.

"Briefly, I've only met him once and that was like two years ago." Eris answered before continuing,"Well we better be off on our way, see you two later." She told as she walked away with Bertholdt as she heard Shadis call their names.

Shadis not only called her name, but he also called Erens as well. Eris was hooked up to the machine and immediately was as still as a statue.

On the other hand, as soon as Eren, who was on the machine right next to her, was lifted up he fell and hung upside down.

"WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION YAEGER! STRAIGHTEN YOURSELF UP!" Shadis yelled before going to bother another cadet.

Eris was let down from her machine and went to sit over by her friends when all of a sudden the potato girl from yesterday came in her way.

"You were amazing! Please teach me your ways oh goddess!" Sasha geeked over. Eris chuckled.

"You did good too Sasha, we both passed so I mean you have to have some skill." The girl told as she walked with Sasha to wherever the girl was taking her. They sat down on a open table and continued to talk. Their girl time was cut short by some random guys sitting next to Eris. Looking up she realized that one of them was the guy from yesterday. His name was like John or something.

"Oh hey John." Eris greeted. Immediately the bald guy who was sitting diagonally across from Eris, next to Sasha bursted out laughing.

"It's uh Jean but h-hi." Jean was a little bummed that she didn't remember his name but didn't take it to heart.

"Hi I'm Marco and that's Connie." The boy next to her on the other side greeted before pointing over to the bald guy next to Sasha.

"I'm Eris, it's nice to meet you all but I should probably get back to my other friends-" She was cut off by Reiner who threw his arm over her shoulder.

"Well well well look at what we have here, Eris you finally made friends." Reiner joked beside Bertholdt who placed one of his hands on Eris's shoulder and the other one of her head.

"What do you mean finally, we just got here yesterday, and you act as if I have no friends, which is so not true, you and I both know that I have friends." Eris sassed before turning back to Sasha.

"Guys stop fighting it's really not worth it." Bertholdt said breaking them up. The seven of them conversed amongst each other.

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It was now night time and Eris was getting ready to go to bed when suddenly Reiner showed up out of her window. It scared the crap out of her. She quickly got dressed and made her way outside.

"What the hell Reiner, are you trying to give my s heart attack or what?!" She exclaimed. Looking around, she noticed that Eren and Armin were there with Reiner and Bertholdt.

"Sorry we uh need your help, here follow us." And with that they were off. They walked through the forest to get to the aptitude machines. On their way there, Eris didn't pay attention to what the boys were talking about, her guilt was eating her up.

From what she did listen to, she could tell that Eren had experienced the destruction that the four of them caused, first handedly, he was from Shiganshina.

She wondered what pain he went through, but couldn't even look him in the eyes. She felt terribly sorry for him and decided that once her, Bertholdt, and Reiner got back to camp, that she wasn't going to fully fulfill her warrior mission. Of course she would still help them and she wouldn't snitch on them, but she wasn't going to kill any of these innocent people or cause anymore destruction.

She knew that they would be angry and disappointed in her but they had not seen what she had seen. This was the path she had to take to lead them all to victory. To freedom.

When she finally got back to the cabin, she knew that she'd have to leave again to meet up with Annie,Reiner, and Bertholdt.

She sat down next to Bertholdt in silence before she finally decided to break the ice. "I'm not doing this mission anymore." Bertholdt quickly whipped his head towards her and stared down at her with wide eyes.

"W-what?" He stuttered out hoping that he heard her wrong.

"You think any of us want to do this either," Annie scoffed, "you're a coward."

"So be it, I'm a coward but I now that doing this will lead Eldians to victory. I'll still help and all but I'm not gonna fight or cause any damage, I can't do that to innocent people."

"They're devils Eris! Devils!"

"And we're not? Do we not come from the same ancestor, are we all not Ymir's subjects. Like it or not we're the same as them." Eris stated before standing up.

"No we're different, we're from Marley, get that through your head." Annie stated before slapping Eris.

"Annie!" Bertholdt exclaimed as he rushed over to Eris to check her cheek.

"What it's true we're not the same as them and I won't let her compare me with those people." Annie looked down and apologized to Eris for slapping her.

"Whatever, I'm still not killing anymore people, I'll help but I won't kill alright."Eris told before she made her way back to her cabin.

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