13: Hot & Bothered

Start from the beginning

Good Lord, it's so cold in here that Kyojuro assumed it had to be 32°F in here, yet the water was crystal clear.

In the far center of the pool was a life-size marble statue of Buddha, and Kyōjurō briefly wondered if Omiyamairi (a Shinto ritual similar to the Christian baptism ceremony) was performed here.

Taking a deep breath, the Flame Hashira slowly stuck a tentative toe in and nearly flinched, but continued to sink beneath the surface.

He quickly exhaled through his nose, feeling his body shiver instantly, but he knew just how to get his body temperature under control.

Taking slow, deep breaths, Kyojuro closed his eyes and slipped into a light meditative state while sitting crisscrossed with his hands in the Anjali mudra (prayer hands) position.

Adaptability was one of his specialties after all, as he slowly began manipulating his blood circulation throughout his entire body in order to keep his body temperature normal.

Kyojuro couldn't help the content smile that crossed his face, "only ten minutes...and soon, (Name) will be my wife."


Time passed as you continued to mindlessly watch the tea brew, all the while your mind constantly kept thinking about Kyojuro, wondering how he was doing.

You hope he was alright, as you then averted your (eye color) eyes towards the wooden clock on the wall. It's already been 8 minutes, with only two more to go.

"Stop worrying, [Name]-chan. I'm sure Rengoku is fine." Otsune tried to reassure you.

You absolutely believed her, but still, even if Kyojuro is a strong swordsman, he's still human and could get sick. So, of course, you had every right to be worried about your lover.

You blushed at the word 'lover' as flashbacks of a shirtless Kyojuro kissing you again crossed your mind. The heat of the moment had you craving more.

The feeling of your nails digging into the meat of his pectorals as he pressed himself against you. The way his warm, wet tongue enters your mouth, allowing you to taste his. The warmth of his body is bleeding into the fabric of your kimono, making your toes curl and your body tingle with pleasure.

The bizarre smell of orchard apples and hickory firewood still clouded your senses. It was Kyojuro's smell, a wonderful combination of both sweetness and spice.

"[Name]-chan, did you hear me?" Otsune's voice snapped you out of your lewd daydream.


"I said, the tea is ready." She pointed, making you quickly glanced at the irori to see the kettle boiling over.

Quickly, you took the poker and removed the pot from the hook, before sitting it down on a wooden platter.

"It's almost time for Rengoku to exit the water. I'll go prepare a room." The elder woman says, before standing.

"Y-you mean...he's staying the night!?" You ask dumbfound.

"Of course. It's almost nighttime after all!"

"B-but...what about his third test?!" You couldn't help but ask.

"About that, I actually couldn't think of anything else." She gave you an awkward smile.

"But I'll think of something, so there's no need to rush things. In the meantime, you should go get Rengoku and let him know he's passed his second test." She says, walking towards the door.

"Also, be sure to take him to the hot spring so that he can take a nice, warm bath." She adds.

"W-what⁉ W-why me?" You'd stammered, cheeks turning red.

"Because, it's a woman's job to care for her goshujin!" Otsune teased before exiting the room, leaving you dumbfound.

'Lord, have mercy on my soul!' You think inwardly, trying to rid yourself of every lewd thought as you pour the hot, green herbal tea into the cup.

"Just relax and don't look at him!" You encouraged yourself before nervously making your way towards the room where Kyojuro was.


Note: "goshujin" means husband.

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