Episode 83: Strained Eyes

Start from the beginning

Dad snorted. "Were you hoping this hypothetical stranger would fall for you? What kind of girl would fall for a guy with an ugly mug like yours?"

I threw a fist at him, but it missed. "Shut it!"

He laughed. "Come on. I'm just kidding. You got your father's looks after all."

I sighed. "Maybe I am ugly after all."


I snickered. "I'm kidding!"

Both my parents were good looking. Mom had a curvy figure and medium length light-blond hair and gray eyes. She was about average height, so not too tall. Smart to boot.

Dad on the other hand was tall. A few inches short of seven-feet which was rare in Xeleria. We mages tended to be short compared to the inhabitants of Wynaga and Zionia. He also had a figure that girls would fan girl over. And not the 'for show' kind of muscles either.

While I had gotten my eyes from Mom, Dad is where I got my hair color from. However, dad tended to style it as a long ponytail. Which to me seemed odd as he was an assassin. Then again, the guy also had a long flowing scarf. Guess he didn't fear people grabbing him by the hair or choking him with his own clothes.

Dad scoffed. "Let's get out of this cave. Would give you your clothes here but you can barely see. Don't want you to put them on upside down."

I laughed nervously. That would be embarrassing.

My eyes shrunk against the light as we neared the exit. It felt more intense than usual as if someone were using light magic.

Dad turned around. "That form messed up your eyes badly." He put his hands on his hips and sighed. "Get on my back. Can't have you walking out there like that."

I grumbled as I jumped on his back. Felt as if I was a little kid again.

Dad chuckled. "Let's go, the faster we finish this mission, the quicker we can return to your little brother."

I smiled. Right, Jude was waiting for us.

We stepped out into the warmth of the sun. It was midday now, meaning I had to have slept around three hours or so.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I held on to his shoulders.

Dad smiled. "Relax, only a couple hours. The war has begun. But our allies will take a whole to get here. The Hiearchians are putting up a fight. That's why your mother and I are here, we are to execute the governor of Hiearchian Sera."

"That will be tough too," I mumbled. "Huang wanted me to do that, but I was sent running by a eight-year-old."

Father whistled. "Sounds like a strong kid. You didn't go all out, though."

I smiled. "Did have to use a lot of tricks to get away. That kid nearly set me on fire."

"Yikes. You got to be more careful with the missions you take. You might be skilled, but remember that you're still a kid."

I sighed. "Dad, I'm sixteen."

He grinned. "That's still a kid. You can say that you aren't in two years."

I sighed. It had been a while since he'd called me one. Thought he had finally seen me as an equal.

Father jumped, startling me. He flashed me a toothy smile. "That said, you'll always be my little boy, no matter how old you get."

My face flushed. "How corny," I mumbled. Good thing that no one else was around, I would probably collapse from embarrassment.

I quickly scanned my surroundings just to make sure we were alone. In anime, someone would usually be eavesdropping at times like this.

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