The Battle Part 1

Start from the beginning


We flew at Dark Aster at lightning speed.

Quill: You ready for this, partner?

Blake: You betcha. Time to send this "Blue Danube" right back where they banned classical music.

Quill: What?

Blake: You don't get it? Cause he's--- Never mind.

Rocket: You need to make better quotes, man.

Yondu: Fire!

The ships we were in between shot fireballs at the ship. Those were to cover up our big attack. We went under it.

"Rocket, hurry!"

We shot holes into a wall. Not doing much, yet. Soon, we finally got in.

"Quill, Yondu! Now!"

Ships attacked us. Yondu got hit.

"I'm hit! I'm going down! No more games with me, boys! I'll see you at the end of this!"

Blake: Will he survive?

Quill: Yeah, he'll live.

We got shot.

"There's too many of them, Rocket! We'll never make it up there!"

It was chaos until the Nova Corps fleet showed up.

"Peter Quill. This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record I advised against trusting you here."

Blake: Jerk.

Quill: They got my message!

"Prove me wrong."

We went full speed ahead into the hole. Drax was laughing like crazy. Outsiders were shooting at us.

Drax: Yes!

Blake: Why don't you panic like a normal person?!

Gamora: We're just like Kevin Bacon.

Blake: Did you tell her about "Footloose"? Why did you tell her about "Footloose"?

We got out of the ship. And we proceeded through a dark hallway.

Drax: I can barely see.

Groot made pretty lights, like fireflies, come out of his hands. I guess it pays to be a walking tree.

Drax: When did you learn how to do that?

Quill: Pretty sure the answer is "I am Groot".

Gamora: The flight deck is 300 meters this way.

Drax: I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders. It is pleasing to once again have friends.

Blake: That's great, Drax. Final words. Thinking happy thoughts.

Drax: You, Quill, are my friend.


Drax: This dumb tree, he is my friend.


Drax: This lonely puppy with anger issues is my friend.

Blake: That's enough, Drax!

All of a sudden, a blue alien came out of nowhere.

"Gamora, look at what you have done. You have always been weak. You stupid, traitorous

Drax shot her and she flew backwards.

Drax: Nobody talks to my friends like that.

Gamora: Head to the flight deck. I'll shut down the power to the security doors.

Blake: Hold on. Do you know that girl?

Gamora: Nebula. My adopted sister.

Blake: Right.

Gamora went to shut down the doors.

We went to get to the flight deck, but we got intercepted by the metal head idiot who tried to capture us earlier.



"Oh, brother."

I rolled my eyes as we began to fight.

"You will never make it to Ronan."

Blake: Villains. So confident. Just to get proven wrong. Lousy scum bags will never win.

The fight ended when Drax grabbed the metal on the man's head.

Drax: Finger to the throat means death.

He ripped it out. The man frizzled up and died.

Drax: Metaphor.

Quill: Yeah, sorta.

Blake: Dude! That was hardcore!

Quill: Oh, no.

More soldiers came towards us. Groot took his hand, stretched it out and smashed them all. He looked at us and smiled.

Blake: Don't smile.

We heard an explosion from outside.

Blake: Oh no. The shields must've been destroyed.

Quill: Then we gotta hurry.

We found through more soldiers.

"Quill you gotta hurry."

Rocket spoke through the comms.

"The city's been evacuated, but we're getting our butts kicked out here."

Quill: Gamora hasn't opened the door.

Blake: Maybe she's a little held up right now. Should someone go check?

The door opened.

Blake: There we go.

We fought the guards and aimed the Hadron Enforcer at Ronan.

Blake: Knock, knock. It ends here, Ronan.

We fired at him. It looked like we won.

Blake: Woah.

Drax: You did it!

Blake: No, not yet.

Ronan stood up from the smoke. He lifted his hammer to us and pushed back with force.

Blake: He must have the Stone in his hammer.

Drax went up to fight him. But Ronan picked him up by the neck.

Ronan: I was mistaken. I do remember your family. Their screams were pitiful.

All of a sudden, the Milano crashed in and smashed Ronan. It pretty destroyed the ships engines, and the Milano, and we were falling down at a hard speed. We gathered together as Groot grew a shield around us for protection and used his lights to help us see.

Rocket: No, Groot. You can't. You'll die. Why are you doing this? Why?

A branch touched Rocket's cheek.

"We are Groot."

That was his last words before we crashed.

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