My personal worry is that small belly bump I had before has pretty much doubled in size now after only another month has passed. I don't look like I am three months along with a small baby bump. I already look like I am at least one month further along than that. My doctor kept assuring me though that everything looked fine, and she wasn't about to worry about having an ultrasound done until it was time for my first one. "We only do early ultrasounds if we are worried about something. The fact that I don't want to do one is a reassuring fact, I promise you." She had told me over and over again, but my spastic emotions just wouldn't see her reasoning. Now though that day for my first ultrasound has arrived and because of my apprehensions I can't help but be crazy nervous.

I glance over at Hobi who is in the kitchen staring longingly at the kimchi refrigerator. I find myself frowning in response. I truly feel bad that we had to empty the fridge out for now, well except for my ice cream on the freezer side that is. A few weeks after I shared the news of my pregnancy the smell of kimchi started making me exceptionally sick. Which definitely sucks for my Korean soulmates who haven't been able to have any in the house since then. We pawned off our remaining containers of kimchi amongst our family so it wouldn't completely go to waste. I truly can't wait until the morning sickness phase is over, but I have heard some instances where some women simply can't get past certain scents even after that phase in their pregnancy.

Finally, I rejoice as I hear the chime go off announcing my doctor's arrival. Only moments later she is inside and asking me a very nerve wracking, but also exciting question. "Are you ready to officially see your baby?"

My soulmates all excitedly answer her, and my reply is a bit more subdued. I am excited. I am just also scared that something is wrong. I feel several hands on my back, silently offering their reassurance before removing them so I can travel upstairs to the sterile room we have set up.

Before my soulmates had purchased the ultrasound machine in question they had called my doctor asking for her opinion. So, she was exceptionally familiar with the model they had purchased since it was one that she had recommended to them herself. She smiles at me as my soulmates rearrange themselves around the room. It was one of her stipulations, if they couldn't give her space to work with me she would kick them out of the room without hesitation. Worldwide popularity would not sway her decision in any direction whatsoever.

I find myself wincing as she applies the cold gel to my stomach. My soulmates all know though that the wince is due to the cold. I made sure they were up to speed in that regard before we ever had this appointment. Of course I see movement out of the corner of my eye as a couple of them forget that fact for a brief moment and try to run over to my side before I shake my head in their direction.

"Okay, let's first find the heartbeat." Moments later the room is filled with rapid echoing sound. "Huh."

I arch an eyebrow. She said huh. Huh can't be good... It isn't even a word, and she is a doctor for crying out loud!

She smiles back at me, which immediately has me calming down. "I worked out why your belly has grown a bit faster than expected." She moves out of the way to show me the image on the monitor. I'm no doctor so it takes me a second to decipher that I am seeing a view from above. Then I notice two heads, two spinal columns, two heartbeats. "Congratulations, you are having twins."

Suddenly the room is filled with excited chatter as my soulmates all talk amongst themselves for a moment. Personally, I don't know yet how I am feeling. Probably shocked more than anything else. "I didn't know carrying twins would result in showing earlier."

"Yes, multiple births tend to mean that the nourishment you provide is split between each baby. So, I can see why that might be what your brain immediately thinks of. However, your uterus has to grow to be able to accommodate both of those babies inside you also. That's why you ended up showing a bit early." She calmly explains to me.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt