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The Apology

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The Apology.

Chapter 15

I wake up with a nauseous feeling surrounding me with a bad throbbing headache. I look around to find myself in my room, covered and tugged in from every corner making me look like a burrito roll. Everything comes back with a flash when I reached out for the glass of water on my side table. I will definitely count this day in my worst ones. So embarrassing! Fainting in a room filled with anonymous guys. They must think how weak I am to lose myself by just petty talks by Jade.

Deep down I knew how much I have been fighting this battle on my own and how much a lot of stuffy truth was ignited to be released. It's been a year to everything but I still feel like a small child who can't pass the very memory. The only difference is it's not a memory but a nightmare that is planted in me just to be diffused anytime and anywhere.

I don't want to repeat but what Jade said really hurt me for the worst and for that I despise him so much after today. He is surely waiting for me to come out of this room and mock me on my weakness.

"Ahhh", I put with my head between my legs with my hands running through my hair harshly due to the anger bubbling inside of me for myself and for the world to exist, making my hair messier, closely looking like a birds nest. While being in my self-pity world, I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." I said softly as I felt the energy completely drained inside of me. A few seconds passed and there's no sign of anyone. So, when I asked again while drinking my hot coffee which was settled on my bedside, I wait patiently. I don't know who made it but may that person deserve a treat.

Entering my room and slowly closing my door was none other than Jade Augustine, who is worth a piece of shit, and bigger ass than anyone else alive.

"Can I talk to you?" he asks in hope while running his hand in his already messy hair. Oh god what is with guys and their messy hair, such a major turn-on. I diverted my minds from my inner temptations and look back at him with a sneaky stare,

"You already are." Jade must have sensed my sudden irritation so he just nods his head and make his way to the edge of my bed and sits next to my feet. We give each other silent treatment for what seems like a long time but when I see the stressed look on his face I sigh and think of breaking this awkward silence myself.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask rather calmly and hearing this sudden change in my tone, he looks at me in the eye for a few seconds and then sad smiles a little while looking down to the floor. This is the first time he has smiled in front of me and not a smirk but an actual smile. Even if it was very small and lasted for a short time, I feel calm for some reason and a little tingly feeling in my heart.

I ignore that feeling and look at him again but this time his emotions were gone and were back to that unemotional prick. He must have been out of his human trial pack when he realized what he was just doing.

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