A few hours later he comes home and lifts me up so his arms are wrapped around my waist and my feet are left dangling about a foot off the floor. "Did you see Army?" He asks me, and it's obvious the sight of the shirts they were wearing excited him, despite the messages he had to deliver.

"I saw the front of their shirts, but I couldn't make out what they said on the back. I mean I could tell it was in English though. Obviously, I wouldn't have been able to read it all had it been Hangul." I really have tried to pick up learning it again, but my brain literally picks apart each of the symbols. It reminds me of how some people have tried to explain how dyslexia works. I don't remember what television show it was, but I remember a scene where a person drew a bicycle. Then he drew all the components of the bicycle explaining that was how people with dyslexia might read. Perhaps that visual was way off base though since it was from a television show, but if it was accurate it made me wonder if perhaps that was what was currently going on with me.

I regain my focus in the here and now by concentrating on Namjoon's enthusiasm and what he is telling me. "The back said. 'Stan Daisy.'"

"Oh my gosh, that's so sweet!"

The night rushes by all of us in a flash. We all decide to make an early night of it since we will be exceptionally busy the following day. All of them, except for Jimin, were able to free up a few days in their schedules to try to make Joshua as comfortable with them as possible. Jimin has tomorrow off to spend the first day with the sweet boy. The day after though he has to go back to work. I'm really bummed that he has to work on a Saturday honestly.

After I wake up in the morning, before breakfast I rush to Candace and Joshua's rooms and make sure they are perfect. Byeol assured me after everything was set up on Wednesday that she and her sister, our housekeeping staff, would make sure everything was set up for their arrival. I still felt like I had to double check it for myself though.

After breakfast I double check and make sure that all of the safety locks in the kitchen are secured. My soulmates even humor me by making sure that they all know how to open the safety locks. I swear I definitely struggle sometimes. Hobi sets up two out of four of the safety gates for me. The one blocking the bottom of the stairway leading upstairs. The other blocking the stairway leading down.

Korain offered to go pick them up, since we couldn't very well do it ourselves without being recognized. Plus, there was the added bonus that he spoke fluent English. I barely take note when he pulls their bags from the trunk that he keeps periodically glancing in Candace's direction. I honestly wonder what that is all about. I immediately embrace her and notice that she looks over my shoulder at Korain with a similar expression. Huh, maybe they had an awkward introduction or something? But, for some reason the expression itself seems exceptionally familiar to me.

Joshua's eyes are swollen as he toddles over to me reaching up so I can take him into my arms. "Hey, sweet boy. How was the flight?"

"Too long." He grumbles.

"I get that, sweetie. Did you get some sleep while you were on the plane?"

He nods and some enthusiasm shines over his expression despite his obvious exhaustion. "The seats were magic! They turned into a bed!"

"Oh, that's cool! I bet that helped you get some rest." He nods again. I sigh for a second. "Did Candace tell you what is happening?" I'm sure she did honestly, but I figured it was the best opening I could think of.

"Auntie Candiss said that since mommy was gone.." He sniffles for a second, and I pull him into my body even closer and run my fingers through his hair hoping the actions will provide him with a little comfort. "She said you take care of me now. Take care of me forever. You live here now. So we move here."

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now