No offense I love kids but at the beginning of the crying session they allot themselves like someone has stolen their favorite candy makes me want to hit my head on the bonnet of my car with much pressure. While today I am completely not in the mood to deal with this shit so early in the morning.

Eventually, I make my way towards a small room where a girl around the age of five is crying, and beside her is a fairly tall guy and while I can see his back muscles tense through the white shirt he is wearing, I notice the continuous movement of his hands running through his hair. Watching him make me frown on the fact that he is possibly doing nothing to stop the girl from crying except for standing there idly. Taking small steps, I walk towards the girl and crouch down to her height to let her notice me in the meantime. When she looks up at me after a few seconds of rubbing her eyes, I grasp her small hands in mine and smile warmly at her calmly. Taking in my appearance, she instantly hugs me.

"Valarie" she sniffled while calling out my name and hugging me tightly. It's not a shocking moment that she knows my name. It's rather obvious to make out that everyone living in this charity house knew it.

"Hey, princess what's wrong?" I ask her while running my hand down her back soothingly, trying to calm her down in each way possible and soon enough. After five minutes, she detaches her head from my shoulder and looked at me with her glossy eyes which no longer had tears to roll down. At this point, I completely forgot that there is even a guy who is still standing behind me all while I can seemingly feel his eye on me.

"This person took my favorite candy and now is not giving me back" she eyes that guy which so much anger even though the look on her face is adorable. I gasp at the news and turn my head to him while high-fiving my subconscious for my accurate prediction.

Way to go V! my subconscious cooed.

He is a guy or let me rephrase it, a very hot guy with a height of 6'2 approx., grey eyes, sharp jawline, intaking features with a muscular body, not much but I could see his muscles bulge out from his white t-shirt. His body is to drool for but for now, I will keep that idea for the latter.

"Seriously you took her candy away, what are you, ten?" I ask and divert my eyes from his middle body to his face which I should tell you were very hard though still satisfying just like his other body parts.

"And he didn't even say thank you after taking it" I gasp at her statement to make this a little more fun and dramatic and turn my accusing eyes to the guy again.

"You didn't even say thank you!? How rude." I comment in a high unbelievable tone when I watch him roll his eyes finally understanding my role plan.

"And after he took my candy, he ran away leaving me here alone," she says with her mouth open and a giggle passing making me chuckle too from which I quickly sober up and again look at the guy with a craned neck. I bet my neck going to give up any time now.

I stand up and turn my full body this time, looking at him while keeping my hands on my chest, gasping again "YOU RAN AWAY!?" He rolls his eyes again but I could see the glint of a smile escaping from the corner of his mouth. He leaves my eyes and starts checking my body which I would say discreetly but didn't wish to comment on it. I change my gaze again to look down and see the girl laughing and mee joining soon with her. See this is why I like kids, when you see them happy, that seems to be the purest thing at that time.

Before the same tall guy could say something, a guy bargained in the room panting hard to make its way to my distanced body. He keeps his hands on his knees with his head hanging low, grasping air. For few seconds I couldn't make out his face which is bent down in the air, but when I do it feels like I lose all the air from my lungs. I double-check the guy who is standing in front of me for a few minutes and then turns back to look at the guy who is standing on the threshold now trying to stand erect. Confusion is definitely an understatement; I am fucking panicking in my mind right now. I can see nothing but two guys with carbon copy features and roughly the same body structure. After I watch them both in a continuous cycle for seconds, I tilt my head towards the girl who is now standing with a frown but her features draw her into realization when she sees a guy from the door coming towards her and embracing her tightly in a big hug. Now my brain is fully muffled and lost.

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