Chapter Seventy-Five: Yet Another Feat

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*Y/N's POV*

   Though I had gotten some check-in letters from my Aunt Narcissa and even Draco, I had assumed they'd want to be more involved in the babies' lives but I guess not. They were both as surprised as the rest of us at the news of twins but they never bothered to come over, they only wrote back here and again. 

   "I really don't see what the big deal is, darling," Fred explained, "It's not like they're the ideal people to have around our babies anyway, no offense." 

   "I don't know if it's wrong to say none taken," I scoffed, "But they're still technically my family, Fred. And I just thought they'd want to be more involved with the twins, you know? Especially my Aunt Narcissa." 

   Fred shrugged, "I don't think it's anything to stress over, love. If they want to be involved, then they will be but if not, we've got plenty of other more charismatic people to be there for us and the babies." 

   "Suppose you're right," I sighed, "It's just a bit sad. We've had such a rocky past that you'd think they'd want to make up for all the bullshit they've stirred up over the years." 

   "If you want them to be involved, write them. Invite your aunt and cousin over for tea, same as you did with Mum and Fleur a few months ago." 

   "Are you barking? They'd never come here and you remember the last time we had tea with the Malfoys, don't you?" 

   Fred's eyes thought over that horrible afternoon, "But we got it cleared up, didn't we? And now we're one big happy family." 

   "Don't be stupid," I rolled my eyes, chuckling, "I suppose inviting them over for tea won't do more harm than good."

   "That's my girl, should I give you the day off then?" 

   I shook my head, "No, I'm writing them to come over. I can't just pop up at Malfoy Manor and invite them over for tea as I did with your mum and Fleur." 

   "And why not?" 

   "Because my manipulative uncle would curse me the minute I apparated into the driveway," I answered, "I was being sarcastic earlier but please don't be stupid, Fred." 

   "It was a genuine question," Fred replied, "Besides would he really do that to you seven months pregnant?" 

   "Yes," there was no hesitation in my voice, "Sure, my aunt would try her best to reverse it afterward but that's not the point." 

   "Alright then, we can't have that," Fred spoke as he rummaged through a drawer pulling out a quill, ink, parchment, and the wax supplies, "Here you are." 

   "Thank you," I chuckled as I took the writing utensils from him.

   "Well, I'm going to help George and Verity open up. I'll see you downstairs then?" 

   I nodded, "I'll only be a moment." Fred went to speak, "And before you ask, no I won't be needing your assistance to walk down the same flight of stairs I walk up and down every day." 

   Fred's mouth closed at my words, "See you down there then," he spoke before pecking my cheek and disappearing down the steps. 

   I giggled a bit to myself before I began to scrawl out the letter. 

Dear Aunt Narcissa, 

   I know it's been a while since we last spoke but I just wanted to catch up a bit with you and Draco. I'd like to invite you both over for tea sometime soon, seeing as that we only have less than two months before the twins are here. Uncle Lucius is more than welcome to come as well. Write back when you can. 

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