Chapter Thirteen: The Second Task

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*Y/N's POV*

     I laid in bed again the next evening, replaying the events of the night of the Yule Ball. Godric, Fred was such a bloody asshole, I couldn't believe him. But I couldn't dwell on that right now, I promised I'd help Harry and the others with trying to figure out the clues for his next task as long as they agreed to not bring up Fred. So, I got redressed and ready for the evening ahead. I wasn't much too hungry so I decided to just head straight towards the library, finding Neville curled up in a chair with another Herbology book.

     "Hey, Neville," I smiled politely as I took a seat next to him, opening one of the books I had brought to help Harry.

     "Hiya, Y/N. Are you okay? W-We heard a bit of what happened the other night between you and Fred-"

     "I'm fine, Neville," I cut him off, not looking up from my book, "I don't want to talk about it. So, let's please just focus on helping Harry with this."

     "Oh, of course," he nodded and continued to flip through his Herbology book, a book I'd never seen.

     "Where'd you get that?"

     "Oh, Professor Moody. He gave it to me when I stayed after for tea with him the other day," he explained giddily. 

  I smiled at his excitement, "That's really nice, Neville. You haven't seen Hermione and the boys have you?"

  "They're a couple rows down. They've been here longer than I have."

  "Thanks Neville," he smiled again before reburying his nose in his book.

   I began walking and looking down each aisle before I heard Hermione, Ron, and Harry. All of them sounding frustrated. Hermione trying to reassure the boys that they were going to figure it out. They all looked at me hopefully, but I just shook my head and their faces fell again.

     "Hate to break up this skull session," we all turned our attention to Professor Moody, "Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office," we all moved towards him, "Not you Potter and Lestrange. Just Weasley and Granger."

     "But, sir," Hermione spoke up, "The Second Task is only hours away and-"

     "Exactly," Moody interrupted, "Presumably, Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go, now!" he instructed. Ron set the golden egg back down before they both left for McGonagall's office. 

     "That was odd," I raised an eyebrow. As Moody left, I saw him instruct Neville to come help us with Harry's predicament. 

     Neville approached, flipping through his book some more, "You know, if you're interested in plants, you'd be better off with Garshocks Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard i-in Nepal who's growing gravity-resistant trees-"

     "Neville," Harry cut him off, "No offense but I really don't care about plants," Neville's excited expression dropped, "Now, if there's a Tibetan Turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great."

     "Harry," I hit his arm, "There's no need to be mean. Neville was just being nice." I glanced at my watch, "Shit, I told Ginny I'd help her study. I thought we would've figured this out by now."

  "It's fine, Y/N. I'm sure I'll figure something out," Harry huffed. 

     Neville gave you a sympathetic smile before his eyes popped with an idea, "I don't know about a turnip but you could always use gillyweed."

     "See, I told you Neville knows what he's talking about," I winked at Neville before leaving the boys in the library.

    As I was walking down the hall, I heard a door creak from around the corner. I was rather confused when I saw Cedric stumbling out of a classroom, his hair and clothes disheveled.  

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