Chapter Forty-Seven: Contemplation

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*Y/N's POV*

     The shock of Mad-Eye's sudden death was finally starting to fade and the acceptance came along with some tears, especially from Tonks. I mean he was her mentor, after all, taught her nearly everything she knew about being an Auror. Everyone had gone to bed somewhere in the Burrow. George had fallen asleep on the couch and Fred had gone to sleep upstairs in their old room. I sat on the window sill, looking out at the fields that surrounded the Burrow.

     "Y/N, dear," Mrs. Weasley pulled me from my thoughts.

     I shifted my gaze from my feet, "Yes ma'am?"

     "You've got a letter," she handed me an envelope, there was no sigil on the seal, just a circle of pressed black wax, "Well, I'm going to bed, will you be alright?"

     "Yeah, I've had to stitch them up once or twice after one of their rougher Quidditch matches," I chuckled lightly.

     "Alright then, good night, love," Mrs. Weasley kissed my cheek softly before walking to her own bedroom.

     I smiled back before I returned to my seat by the window, tearing the letter open carefully. The handwriting was familiar but I couldn't think of who.

Dear Y/N,

     This letter is for your eyes only, we will know if somebody else gets word of it and you will be sorry. Tomorrow at the wedding of that blood-traitor Bill Weasley and failed Beauxbatons champion Fleur Delacour, you are to excuse yourself from the wedding reception at its halfway point. You will go to the Northwest side of that pathetic excuse for a home, alone. You will not stay to help to protect Harry Potter or anyone else. Again, if you bring any backup, your friends will pay, especially your own blood-traitor boyfriend, Fred Weasley. Any noncompliance will end in the untimely and brutal death of Fred Weasley and every witch, wizard, and magical creature we can get our hands on. 

    You don't belong with them and you know it. You're an outsider and a fool to think they'd ever see you as one of them. We've given you too many opportunities to join the right side, Y/N. Now your friends will meet the same fate as that lunatic Mad-Eye Moody if you do not heed this final offer.


Draco Malfoy

     My hands shook as I finished the letter. There was no way they could get to me, right? The Order would protect me, wouldn't they? What would I have to protect Harry from? Tonks, Remus, the Weasleys, they'd have my back, wouldn't they? I had no reason to question their trust now. My cousin was just being dramatic, wasn't he? Wants to scare me into submission. But at the same time, this was my family and I knew full and well what they were capable of, especially my mother. I couldn't put everyone's life at risk because I want to test a theory of trust between myself and the Order. How selfish would I be if I put Fred's life on the line to prove something so pointless?

     I sat there, rereading the letter over and over again, willing it to just disappear and cease to exist. For this threat to be false and just some silly little prank that the twins tried to pull. But both of them were fast asleep, this letter was no prank. This was real.

     Suddenly, I heard voices outside, dawn was nearly approaching. I grabbed my wand, clutching it tightly as I stuffed the letter under the cushions near the window before making my way quietly out of the house. They said I had till the reception, hours from now. I held out my wand, expecting Death Eaters to attack. Instead, I was met with Ron and Harry, quietly whispering back and forth to one another.

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