Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Talk

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*Y/N's POV*

     Lunch with George and Lee was what it was to be expected. Lots of teasing and jokes which meant endless fits of laughter and giggling. But my mind kept drifting back to what Fred had probably carelessly muttered during our little entanglement in the office. Sure, a breeding kink was something I had anticipated him having after coming from a large family but we never really discussed plans in regards to children in the future.

     "Fred?" I caught his attention as we cleaned up the dishes from lunch.

     "Yes, love?" he returned sweetly.

     I glanced over at Lee and George who were swapping jokes on the sofa, "Could I speak to you for a moment please?"

     "Sure, darling," he turned from the sink, leaning back against the sink, "What's on your mind, Lestrange?"

     I let out a soft chuckle, "In private. We can do it later once they've-"

    "Oi!" Fred called to the duo before I could get a word out, "You two mind running a couple of errands please?"

     George scoffed, "Why can't you do it your bloody self?" 

     "Boys, I need to talk to your mate in private," I interjected, they both groaned a bit, "Just for a minute, trust me." They both exchanged looks before going over to the fireplace.

     "You're lucky I'm craving Mum's sticky toffee pudding or I'd have the two of you leave instead," George quipped as they both took two handfuls of Floo powder.

     "Make it quick, please. George and I wanted to crack into real Firewhiskey this time. And this better not be an excuse for you to shag more," Lee added.

     "I swear to Merlin it's not," I answered, "Thank you boys," I smiled.

     "Yeah, don't mention it," they waved us off as they got into the fireplace and left in a puff of smoke. Fred and I both shook our heads, chuckling a bit.

     "So, what's up, love?" Fred asked as he plopped down onto the couch.

     I let out a sigh, sitting on the recliner across from the sofa, "Fred, I have to ask you a question. Quite an important one I suppose," I clutched my locket nervously.

     Fred sat up, leaning forward on his knees, "You can ask me anything, Lestrange. Is everything alright?"

     I nodded, trying to not let him get so anxious, "Yes, yes, everything is fine. It's just," I took a deep breath, "Do you want kids, Fred?"

     "Y/N, are you-" Fred chuckled nervously as his eyes fell to my stomach. 

     "No!" I answered, maybe a little too quick, "I'm just speaking in general."

     Fred smiled a bit, "Course I do. Wait, Lestrange, where is this coming from?"

     "It's just earlier when we were...having sex, you said something about getting me pregnant and I encouraged it,"  I explained, "But I just needed to know whether that was something to be taken seriously or if it was just spur of the moment."

     "I suppose it was just spur of the moment, that time," Fred answered, "What about you?"

     "Same, I suppose," Fred's face dropped a bit at my answer, "Just so you know, I do want kids, Fred. Someday. We're not even married yet and I like the way things are. Just the two of us. Well George, Lee, Angelina too, and all the rest of our large family," I chuckled at the last bit.

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