Chapter Twenty-Four: Training Begins

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*Y/N's POV*

    The first spell Harry had given us to work on was Expelliarmus, a disarming spell that I'd learned quite a bit ago. Everyone seemed to get the hang of it first try, almost everyone

   "Expelliarmus!" Neville tried to cast towards the Dark Lord-like figure, his wand being sent backward, all of us ducking to avoid it. George and Fred started giggling, which earned them a smack from me. 

   "Be nice, he's trying," I snapped. 

  George rubbing his upper arm, looked over at Fred who was doing the same, "Is she ever going to stop hitting us?"

  I spoke before Fred could answer, "She'll stop hitting you when the two of you learn how to behave properly."

   Neville sighed, "I'm hopeless." 

   "Y-You're just flourishing your wand too much," Harry explained, "Try it like this. Expelliarmus!" Harry cast with ease, the fake wand flying from the test dummy. We all took our turns with the dummy, the spell was simple so most of us got it first try. 

   The training was actually really fun and sneaking around with everyone made it even better. We all got to spend time together doing something actually productive. The only downside was Umbridge practically breathing down our necks every second she got. Now she had Filch and his filthy cat spying on us, trying to figure out where we'd all disappeared off to. 

   "Reckon we can take care of him," Fred suggested. 

   "And just how're you going to manage that?" I asked as we filed into the Room of Requirement for our next lesson on stunning. 

   George snickered, "Oh, just wait, Y/N, it's gonna be hilarious."

    Harry had us all line up on opposite ends of the room with Nigel standing in front of the fireplace as he walked to the other end of the room. 

   "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter really. So, um, come on then Nigel, give it your best shot," Harry encouraged as he stopped in front of the doors. 

   The boy looked a bit terrified, "Stupefy!" Nigel threw all of his strength into casting the charm, sending both him and Harry flying backward and onto their asses.

   "Not bad at all, Nigel, well done," Harry groaned as he sat back up, "Hermione and Ron, we'll have you go, then Fred and Y/N, you can show us how mature wizards do it," Harry suggested. Ron walked over to Hermione, the two of them bantering before they took their places on opposite sides of the room. 

   "One sickle," George whispered over to Fred. 

   "You're on," Fred whispered back. 

   "Count me in on that," I interjected. "You'd have to be an idiot not to bet on Hermione, no offense to your brother of course." 

   "No, Lestrange, you're definitely right," Fred laughed. 

   George crossed his arms, "We'll see about that."

   Before Ron could even flick his wand, "Stupefy!" Hermione cast, sending Ron flying backward with a terrified yelp. George groaned as he slid Fred and I each a sickle. 

   "Thank you," Fred teased. 

   "Shut up," George groaned. 

   "Told you," I laughed, pushing the sickle into my pocket before gathering around Hermione with the rest of the girls, "That's my girl," I winked as I threw my arm around her, the other girls giggling at how red Ron's face had gone. 

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