Chapter Forty-One: All About Compromise

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*Y/N's POV*

     After telling the twins about Harry's letters, they were adamant about me not leaving the flat without one of them accompanying me, unless I was going to the Burrow with Mrs. Weasley. Did I love the fact that they cared and wanted to keep me safe? Of course, I did. Was I annoyed that I couldn't walk down the street to Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour without one of them stuck to my side? A little bit, yes. After all, I am an adult and I shouldn't be scared of my own family. But arguing with them was pointless and so, I had no choice but to deal with my personal ginger protection detail. We had opted to not tell the Order just yet, figured Harry could do that when he thought the time was right. 

    The problem, at the moment, was trying to convince the twins that we should attend the first Gryffindor Quidditch match of the season.

   "Come on, it's Ginny's first match, we should all be there," I argued. 

   "Lestrange, you do realize there are mass murderers out there, right?" Fred argued. 

   "And you realize that I'm related to them, right?" I snapped, "Killing me isn't their goal. Otherwise, they've missed more than enough opportunities to do it."

   "Neither was killing Sirius, I bet," George interjected. 

   "How many times do I have to tell the two of you that I'm not going to cower in fear for the rest of my life? We are going to Hogwarts, a place that ensures protection for those who need it." 

   "Tell that to Harry, Ron, and Hermione," Fred quipped. 

   "Now that's enough," I cut them off, "We are going to that Quidditch match. Ginny deserves our support and so do Harry and Ron. It's nearly a completely new team this year, I want to see how they are. And are you two going to tell me that you're not the least bit curious as to who is actually getting your positions now that Harry is captain," I raised an eyebrow. 

   The twins sent each other a discerning look, "Fine," they sighed. 

   "We'll go," Fred huffed, "But you are not to leave my side, understood?" 

   "I'm not a child, Fred," I rolled my eyes, "I can handle myself just fine."

   "Don't care, you're staying with me," Fred quipped. 

   I put my hands up in surrender, "Alright, alright. Don't get your knickers in a bunch, Weasley." 

    It was weird to return to Hogwarts, seemed as if we'd never be back here the day we left. Some people had come up to the three of us, telling Fred and George about how much they loved their products or how the school has been pretty boring since they've gone. 

   "Y/N!" I turned to see Hermione running towards me. 

   "Hermione," I smiled as we met in a tight embrace, "How's school been going? Harry says you've got a new Potions Professor, he any good?" 

   "He's alright," Hermione shrugged, "Harry's doing exceptionally well." 

   I noted the slight sneer on her face, "Jealous are we, Granger?" 

   "Of course not!" Hermione scoffed, "Just not a fan of cheating is all."

   "Cheating? How could you possibly cheat in Potions?" 

   "He found some book, owned by someone who calls themselves the Half-Blood Prince. It has all sorts of shortcuts and extra notes." 

   "So, technically he's not cheating. Someone else wrote those things and Harry just happened to get lucky and find them, not his fault. And are you seriously doubting yourself because of it?" 

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