Chapter Twenty-Two: Gryffindor Wins?

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*Y/N's POV*

     "Ready for the match today?" I asked as I sat at the breakfast table with the team and Hermione and Ginny.

     "I'm rather nervous," Angelina muttered over the table, "I mean, it's my first game as Captain since Oliver left."

     I put my hand on hers reassuringly, "You'll be brilliant, Angelina. No need to worry."

     "What about me? I'm a bloody wreck," Ron shook, "I-I'm not even hungry," he pushed his plate away.

     I pushed it back, "Eat the bloody food, Weasley. You're gonna need it as Keeper."

    Ron sighed uneasily before shoving the food in his mouth, "Might as well enjoy my last meal."

     Fred scoffed, "Don't be such a baby, Ronniekins. Besides, you have one of the easier jobs, it's Harry we need to worry about. Malfoy's gonna play dirty."

     "But we've got your back, mate," George added, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder.

     Angelina looked at her watch, "Well, we've got to get going. Get a good warm-up in before the match," she stood up, the rest of the Gryffindor team following her actions.

     "Cheer me on?" Fred smirked down at me.

     "Of course," I kissed him before sending him on the way with the rest of the team. I waited as they cleared from the dining hall before turning to the girls, "The first match of the year and it just had to be Slytherin, didn't it? Merlin help us."

     "Everyone's talking about it, I just hope Ron doesn't see those stupid badges the Slytherins are wearing," Hermione huffed. Some of the Slytherins, including my cousin, had decided to make Weasley is Our King badges. It pissed us all off, luckily Ron hadn't seemed to notice them just yet.

     "Gits," I huffed, "Come on, we should go find some seats before it gets crowded," I motioned for the three of us to head to the Quidditch Pitch. 

    We ended up meeting with Neville and Dean, who had kindly saved us seats. Madam Hooch started the match, from the get-go the Slytherins were playing overly aggressive as the crowds were full of cheers, boos, and all other forms of ruckus.

     The Slytherin team erupted into a horrible tune, "Weasley cannot save a thing! He cannot block a single ring! That's why all the Slytherins sing! Weasley is our King!"

     I wanted to yell back all sorts of things but I felt especially angry when the song distracted Ron and made him miss an easy goal, "Come on Ron!" we tried to cheer him on. The game was practically back and forth back and forth, Slytherin winning then Gryffindor, and back again. 

     Everyone on their toes until, "HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE GOLDEN SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Lee Jordan announced. 

    All of Gryffindor erupted into cheers and the Slytherins booed profusely. Hermione, Ginny, and I moved down to the field with some other Gryffindors as we all celebrated. I smirked as I saw the anger burning on my cousin's face as he landed his broom nearby while we were waiting for the rest of the team to land, Harry had been first.

     "Saved Weasley's neck, haven't you?" Draco directed his sore loss towards Harry, "I've never seen a worse Keeper but then he was born in a bin. Did you like my lyrics, Potter?"

     "Ignore him," I sent a sneer to my cousin, "Stop it, now, Draco." 

    Harry took my advice as he turned away to meet the rest of the team who were now landing one by one, yelling and punching the air in triumph. All except Ron, who had dismounted from his broom over by the goalposts and was making his way slowly back to the changing rooms alone.

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