Chapter Thirty-Three: The Burrow

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   I paced throughout the living room, hissing as the cold air hit my cut-up knuckles. 

   "Fred, mate, I think you better just sit down," George tried to suggest, "I'm sure Y/N and the others are fine-"

   "But how do you know?! What if something's happened? What if that's why Mum sent us here so, she wouldn't have to face telling us?" 

   "Mum sent us here because of what we did at school, not because something happened to our friends," George reassured, "She would've told us, Fred."

   "Would she? I mean she was furious, George, I don't think I'd ever seen her that mad in my life," I sighed. 

   "Deservedly so, it's not like we set fire to the whole school or anything," George chuckled lightheartedly. 

   I forced out a chuckle before sinking down into one of the dining chairs, "What am I gonna do?" 

   "There's nothing to do, mate," George patted my back, "We've just got to sit and wait-"

   There was a loud boom from the fireplace, we both rushed over, expecting to find Mum or Dad with some sort of news. 

   There was some coughing before her soft familiar voice called out, "Boys? Are you here?" 

*Y/N's POV*

    I stepped out of the fireplace, coughing up smoke as I called out for the boys. 

   "Y/N?" I heard George's voice. I fanned the smoke away to see both of the twins, relieved looks on their faces. 

   "Lestrange!" Fred engulfed me into his long arms, "A-Are you alright?" he cupped my face in his bloody hands, his thumb lightly rubbing the bandage on my cheek. 

   "I'm fine," I touched his hand reassuringly, he tried to hide the soft wince that left his mouth with a cough. 

  "Come here, you!" George tugged me into his tight embrace, my feet leaving the floor, "I'm glad you're here in one piece, well, more or less," he nodded towards the bandage on my face.

   "So am I," I chuckled lightly as he set me back down. 

   "Nice scar," George smirked, "Seems you two are matching with them," he motioned to Fred's blood-stained knuckles. 

   I shot Fred an annoyed glare, "I-I was going to clean them up, I just-"

   "Enough," I cut him off, "George, can you please go fetch some bandages and Murtlap Essence, if you've got it," George nodded before running up the stairs, "You," I turned back to Fred, "Sit," I pointed to the dining table behind him, Fred sighed before taking a seat on the table. I crossed my arms, "Wanna tell me how you did that?" 

   "I-I fell?" 

   "Mmhm, on your knuckles? Like some sort of monkey?" 

   "Would you believe me if I said yes?" Fred let out a soft chuckle.

   "No," I replied bluntly, "Not really in a joking mood."

   Fred's smile fell, "Here you go!" George ran back into the kitchen with the supplies, handing them over. 

   "Thank you," I went to work on Fred's hand, trying to be gentle but my anger slowly rose. 

   "What happened?" George asked, pointing at my scar. 

   "I fell," I answered as I finished Fred's hand, pushing it back onto his lap and falling back into one of the dining chairs. 

   "How'd you fall?" George continued asking as he took a seat on the counter. 

intriguing (fred weasley x fem! reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ