Chapter Sixteen: The Final Task

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*Y/N's POV*

   It was like for the first time in months, I woke up completely happy with no feeling of regret or anger, or jealousy. Just happy. All thanks to Fred Weasley. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I got ready, today was the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament. The girls and I had stayed up a bit late last night making signs for Harry. 

   "Good morning, Y/N," Hermione smiled as I walked downstairs into the Common Room to meet her and everyone else. 

   "Morning everyone," I smiled back, "Where are the twins?" I looked around, not seeing George or Fred. 

   Ginny rolled her eyes, "They haven't gotten up yet."

    "I'm bloody starving." Ron leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. 

   "Like that's unusual," I teased, "You guys go ahead, I'll go wake them," I suggested. 

   "Are you sure? We can wait," Harry offered. 

   "You have bigger things to worry about, Potter. And you need all the energy you can get, so go," I practically pushed them all out the portal. 

   I sighed as I made my way to the boys' dorm, "Alohomora," I muttered, unlocking their door. The rest of their roommates had long gone, the two redheads just snored under their covers, "You two," I muttered. I went over to George first, "Come on, Georgie, time to wake up."

   George wasn't a morning person, not as bad as Fred, but still not a fan of waking up earlier than he wanted, "Ugh, why?" he muttered, his eyes flickering open. 

   "The Third Task is today and we all need to be there to support Harry," I walked over and opened up their curtains to let the sunlight in, "So, get up." 

   "Fine," George rolled out of bed, his hair a mess as he trudged to the bathroom. 

   "Thank you, George," I called after him as I moved to wake up Fred, "Come on, Fred, you too," I whispered. He didn't budge, "Fred, I'm serious. Up now," I shook him harder, "Weasley, up!" I grabbed a pillow, playfully hitting him on the head with it. And before I knew it, Fred had grabbed my waist, pulling me underneath the covers, pinning me down, "What the bloody hell are you doing?" I shrieked. 

   "I could ask you the same thing," Fred raised an eyebrow as he hovered over me, "Why are you trying to wake me up?"

   "Like I told your brother," I rolled us over, pinning him down now, "Harry needs all of our support today so no time to sleep in," I huffed, I tried to push myself off him but Fred kept his grip on my waist. 

   "Not yet," he pulled me back, "I rather like this view," he smirked. 

   "Very funny," I rolled my eyes, "Let me go." I struggled against him, Fred bucking his hips up and I couldn't help but let a small whimper leave my lips as I felt him slightly hard against my core. 

   "Mmm," he sat up as I straddled his hips, "I like your little noises," he whispered into my ear, my breathing became shaky as he latched his lips onto my neck. 

   "Fred, your brother is going to be back any minute," I panted as he moved further down. 

   "I'll be quick," he smirked against my neck as his hand slid up my skirt. His fingers found my underwear, pushing them to the side as he began to play with my wet folds. 

   "Fred," I whimpered, my nails digging into his shoulders as he bit and sucked on my neck, "Fuck," I moaned as he moved to rub circles on my clit. 

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