Chapter Fifty-One: Family Means Everything

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    I knew there was plenty else to worry about. My twin brother no longer had been maimed, my little brother and his best friends were missing, my little sister had gone back to learn under the man who killed one of the most powerful wizards of all time and is practically the right hand to You-Know-Who. Hell, there was an impending war all because of my little brother's best friend. And yet, all I could think of was her. And it hurt to do it as constantly as I did. She was one of the only things that kept my heart beating and she was gone. And if she had left against her will, I'd be the first one to try and get her back but she chose to leave me. Y/N broke her promise as soon as she made it. 

   And I wanted so badly to believe she did it for good reason, really I did. So did George, and Mum, all of them tried just as hard to convince me that Y/N had a better reason for leaving me. 

   "Mate, you don't honestly think she'd just up and join them, right?" George tried to explain, "I mean she's hated them more than any of us ever did."

   "But what if that was all a lie? What if she actually wanted to join them? And she was just pretending to love me to get information from me or something so she could help them?" 

   "Fred, it's like you don't know her at all." 

   "Well, that's what it seems like, doesn't it?" 

    George took the seat next to me on the sofa, "Fred, why on earth would Y/N ever want to join them? She has done nothing but fight alongside us. Against them, I might add." 

   "So did Snape and that greasy git killed Dumbledore and never paid the consequences because Scrimgeour was killed before they could and now Death Eaters run the Ministry." 

   "We have always been suspicious of Snape," Dad stepped in, "None of us fully understood why Dumbledore would ever trust him. Snape has always been hateful. Y/N has never been hateful, even to people who we all thought more than deserved it." 

     "Y/N's a smart girl, a kind one too. And she loved you so much Freddie, I know she did. You can't just give up on her that easy," Mum added. 

   "She left!" I argued, "If she loved me, then why did she leave?" 

   "Fred, we are in the dark same as you are," George argued back, "Maybe she left something behind from the night before." 

   I shook my head, "No, I already checked everywhere. She left her bags and I already tore the flat apart. There's nothing left."

   "Did you check the entire house?" Bill asked as he stood with Fleur. 

   "No, just our bedroom and Ginny's, those are the only two places she was ever without me."

   "Not the only places," George murmured. 

   "Where else was she?" Fleur asked. 

   "Here," George motioned to the living room, "She and Mum took shifts the night before the wedding, watching me because of my ear." 

   Everyone rose from the seats, "What should we look for?" 

   "I'm not sure. A note, a letter, something. Anything that you even think will help. She might've hidden it a bit to make sure we didn't find it too early," I answered, moving to rip the cushions off the sofa and accompanying furniture. 

    We all ripped apart the entire house, tearing books from shelves and lifting furniture. 

   "Got something!" Bill called as he came flying back down the stairs, Fleur on his tail, "It was in your room." 

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