Chapter Seven: The Misunderstanding

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*Y/N's POV*

     It had been a few days since Fred and I had confessed our feelings to each other and everything was going pretty smoothly. We'd walk to class together and eat together, hang out in the Common Room. Honestly, things hadn't changed all that much except the teasing from our friends was even more. Anytime Fred and I even glanced over at one another, George, Ginny, or even Lee would make a quick little joke, the boys especially liked making dirty ones. But Fred and I didn't really mind it, it seems we were too happy to notice even if we technically weren't an official couple yet.

   Unfortunately, I hadn't been able to get a moment alone with Cedric since he was always so busy with the tournament. Which meant I never got the chance to tell him that I couldn't go on out with him. On top of that, Harry and Ron were still bickering which sucked cause we were all awkwardly caught in the middle, especially Hermione. And everyone still thought Harry was a cheat. People even made 'Potter Stinks' buttons and were wearing them around the school.

     "Honestly, Harry, just ignore them. They're all gits anyway," I sneered at all the button wearers as Harry and I walked down the hall.

     "Easy for you to say, Y/N, people aren't going around calling you names for something you had no control over."

     "Oh really? Everyone in this school is still scared to make too long of eye contact with me out of fear that I might hex them or something just because I happen to carry the last name of two of the most insane wizards in Azkaban. Believe me, if anyone knows what you're going through, it's me."

     "Yeah but you've got Fred to defend you, who do I have?"

     "You have me. And Hermione. And nearly all of Gryffindor rooting for you in this tournament, trust me." he still looked unsure, "Harry," I turned him around to face me, stopping him in the hall, "I know that your first task is going to be scary and I get why you don't want to tell us about it. But, you need to let us help you. Trying to tough this out by yourself is not the way to go. You understand me?"

     "Yeah, yeah," he finally nodded, "But I need to go talk to Cedric and warn him about it, do you want to come with? I know you've been needing to talk to him about the whole date thing."

     "Yeah, that'd be great actually," I sighed, "Oh I think I see him, let's go." I pulled us over to Cedric, his head resting on a bench as he talked with some other Hufflepuffs.

     "Yeahhh, read the badge, Potter," one of the boys teased. 

    "I'd watch myself if I were you, mate," I sent him a murderous glare, causing him to shut up as Harry got Cedric's attention.

     "Could I have a word?" Harry asked, ignoring the boy's taunts.

     Cedric looked between the both of us, "Alright," he stood up and followed Harry, Harry sending me a look.

     "Um, I'm gonna go but Cedric," I turned to the boy who was grinning back at his friend before turning back to me, "Could we have a word as well? When you're done, obviously."

     "Of course, just give me a minute," he grinned. I smiled politely before walking over to a nearby tree, spotting my cousin in it with all his goons below him.

     "Draco?" I called to him as I approached the brutish group.

     "Aww if it isn't my cousin," he smirked, "What're you doing talking with those two oafs?"

     "They're my friends and anyway, I don't think it's any of your business. Shouldn't you be doing, I don't know, anything besides stalking Harry?"

intriguing (fred weasley x fem! reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz