Chapter Fifty-Six: The Aftermath

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*Y/N's POV*

   "Come here, dear," I recognized Mrs. Weasley's soft voice beckoning me to her side. I cried softly as she pulled me to her chest, stroking my hair, "I-It's okay, you're safe with us." 

   "Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, I-I am so sorry," I sobbed, they both just shook their heads as Mrs. Weasley pushed my hair from my face, "Fred, please," I whimpered, grasping onto his coat sleeve, "You can't leave me. We promised. I was gonna get you back," I cried, "Wake up, Fred, please," I begged, my head fell to his chest, my tears staining his jacket. 

   I felt Ginny kneel beside me, her hand rubbing up and down my back, "It's alright, Y/N," she sniffled. 

   I looked up, my gaze shifting between her and George, "I-" my voice failed me as I choked down my sobs. 

   "L-Lestrange?" my head whipped back to his bruised, dirt-covered face, "Lestrange i-is that you?" 

   My hands went to cup his face, "Y-Yeah, Fred, I'm here. I'm right here," my sobs mixed with the light laughter as a wave of relief washed over me. 

   "Am I in Heaven?" his eyes were still heavy as he struggled to open them. 

   We all let out a soft laugh, I shook my head, "No, I'm really here, Fred." 

   His eyes slowly flickered open, softening when they met mine, "You're really here," he repeated. I nodded harshly, one of his hands came to hold my cheek as the other gripped my own tightly. Before I had time to melt into his touch fully, he pulled me down, smashing our lips together. The feeling was so familiar and loving, it was something I had missed for far too long, "Just had to make sure you were real," he joked as we pulled away. 

   I took the hand that was intertwined with mine, pressing it to my lips softly, "I'm so happy you're okay," my voice still quivering. 

   "You didn't think you could get rid of me that easy, could you?" Fred smirked. 

   "Only my brother could nearly die and wake up to make jokes about it," George chuckled, wiping away his tears. 

   "Old habits die hard," Fred laughed, wincing at his bruised side, "Remind me not to laugh," he grinned. 

   "Can you stand?" Percy asked. 

   "Think so," Fred groaned, moving to sit up as Bill and Percy offered their hands. 

   He took their hands as George and I helped him from behind, "Glad to see nobody else looks as shitty as I do," Fred joked. 

   "Language, mister," Mrs. Weasley scolded softly as she approached Fred.

   "Sorry, Mum," he smirked. 

   Her hands cradled his face, "Don't you scare me like that again, got it? Can't lose any of my boys," she sniffled, before moving to kiss his cheek. 

   "Y/N," Ginny called for me. 

   "Yeah Gi-," my voice fell as I followed Ginny's gaze back to the floor, a few spaces from Fred lay Remus and Tonks. Percy moved to take my place supporting Fred as I walked over to them, kneeling between them. Their bodies still and pale, their fingers mere inches apart. The tears fell from my eyes once again, "T-Tonks," my voice quivered, "Remus." I reached for Tonks' hand, hoping they were merely unconscious just like Fred was moments ago, but they were like ice to my touch. I sobbed as her hand fell back in its place. 

   I heard Fred limping over as he tried to kneel next to me, his hand on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry, darling." 

   "This wasn't supposed to happen, I-I told her we'd see each other after all this. Give us time to catch up. She'd just made me Teddy's Godmother. I couldn't imagine a better honorific," I sniffled. 

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