Chapter Thirty-Seven: Closing Early

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*Y/N's POV*

     I pulled the three of them to the back office, reassuring Fred and George that I wouldn't be gone for long and I'd give them any important news if there was any.

     "What happened? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" I asked, taking a seat on the desk.

     Harry was catching his breath as he took a seat on the sofa, "I'm not completely sure but I'm pretty sure, well, I don't know," he continued to ramble.

     "Harry," I cut him off, "What did you see?"

     "Well, your aunt brought Draco with her and she was waiting for you outside Ollivander's for a bit but when she figured you weren't coming they went down Knockturn Alley." I hated Knockturn Alley, I had been down once when I was little and my aunt and uncle tried to take me into Borgin and Burkes. I ended up throwing a fit so, we had to leave while my uncle finished whatever business he had down there.

     "That's not surprising," I interjected.

     "That's not all. They went into Borgin and Burkes, we climbed onto a roof to get a look through the higher windows," Harry continued. "And that's when we saw them. Your aunt, Draco, Fenrir Greyback, and," Harry paused, "Your mother was there."

     I let out a shaky breath, "What were they doing?" I asked, crossing my arms.

     "We're not sure," Hermione interrupted before Harry could answer.

     "They were standing around this odd-looking cabinet. Not something I've ever seen," Ron continued.

     "Leave us," I looked over at Ron and Hermione, "Don't worry. I'll have Harry fill you in but I need to speak with him privately. Ron and Hermione nodded reluctantly, leaving the office, "What else did you see?"

    "Nothing. Greyback must've suspected something, he closed the blinds before we could watch anything else. I realized what must've been happening, so I ran over here to tell you."

     "Ron and Hermione? Do they have the same suspicion?" I asked.

     "I don't think so. They think it's too far fetched and that I've gone mad. Y/N, does this mean what I think it does?"

     "I sincerely hope not. If my Aunt Narcissa cares about Draco then she wouldn't have let him but I-I can't be sure. Harry, you need to be extra careful this year. Things are moving around here, evil things."

     Harry nodded, "I understand, Y/N. You should be careful too."

     I sighed, "I know, I will. Try your best to just keep your head down and have a normal enough school year, alright? And make sure everyone else is okay as well."

   "I will and I'll try to keep you posted when I can," he agreed.

     "Good," I nodded, "Before we go, Hermione and Ron might not be as convinced as I am. Don't take it personally if they're not as accepting of the idea. I'm sure Fred and George will be the same way."

     "Alright, I'll try," Harry answered. We left the office, joining the rest in the slowly emptying shop.

     "Everything alright?" Fred asked as he handed a bag to a Slytherin fifth-year girl.

     "Yep, how goes it?" I asked.

     "Slowing down already. Pretty sure all the students are trying to enjoy their last day of summer," George answered.

     "We could close early," Fred suggested, "If there are only a few stragglers."

     George yawned, "I'm definitely open to it."

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