Chapter 7 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Start from the beginning

He hesitates. He knows his friend is in need of medical attention with an arrow protruding from his leg. After a couple more moments, he agrees. I lower my bow and put the unused arrow back into my quiver and he sheathes his sword on his belt.

"Now please don't freak out when I do this next step. I need to move him, and you and I alone won't be able to carry him back."

"Carry him back where?" he questions, his grip on his sword still tight.

"My tent," I answer, ignoring the look of confusion on his face. "Okay, like I said, please don't freak out or be scared." He reluctantly nods. I draw my wand from its place on my calf. I point it at injured Mystery man 2 and say, "Mobilicorpus." Mystery men look bewildered, then scared, then angry.

"Sorcerer!" Mystery Man 1 says as he draws out his sword. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you where you stand?" His sword dangerously close to my face, to the point where I can feel the cool metal on my cheek.

"Because I am the only chance Goldilocks number 2 has to live. If he dies, then you can kill me. How about that?" I propose. I am running out of options, and this was the first I thought of.

He narrows his eyes at me, as if waiting for me to take back my word. "If he dies, you die," he confirms, nodding.


"Why are you so willing to put your life on the line?"

I look at him in his blue eyes. "Because he won't die. I won't let him." We walk back to the enchanted shield of multiple spells to protect my tent. "My tent is right there." I point to where my tent is. Obviously, there is nothing to see, but I have magic.

His eyes look around the trees but sees nothing. "There is nothing there," he states.

I roll my eyes at his idiocy. "Yes, there is. Uh hello? Magic? Remember?" I wave my wand in front of us and the shield breaks to allow us to pass through. I direct injured man to inside the tent and I follow through, but Goldilocks pauses before entering.

"I hope you know we aren't all going to fit in there," he says pointing to the 'small' tent.

I roll my eyes again and sigh deeply. "If you remember, I have magic," I mutter and 'prat' under my breath. He enters and I notice Gwaine is gone, meaning I won't have to explain why I have Goldilocks and Goldilocks number 2 here.

"Hey?!" he exclaims, hearing what I said.

"I mean she's not wrong," smirks the injured man. I snort while Mystery Man 1 glares. I take off my quiver and set it and the bow down against the sofa.

I set injured man down on the dining table and I wave my wand to have the ingredients for the potion to come floating towards me. I grab my potions book and begin flipping through to find a suitable potion for Goldilocks 2. I flick my hand at the record player to play some Bruno Mars Doo-Wops & Hooligans the song Marry You while I work. Goldilocks looks at all the objects I have scattered around.

"This is unbelievable," he mumbles, his eyes scanning any and everything for anything potentially dangerous.

"What is?" I ask, my eyes still scanning the pages while my hands grab whatever ingredients I need.

His head snaps towards me. "Magic," he answers, clarifying.

"Yeah, Goldilocks, it is. It is unbelievable," I reply while putting the potion over the stove.

"I've always thought magic and sorcery was evil."

"Like I told someone, magic isn't either good or evil. It all depends on how it's used. For example: If you have a sword and the sword hurts you, would you blame the sword or the person holding the sword? It's the same with magic. It all depends on how someone uses it."

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