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fifth year,
new years eve

Charlie waited until everyone in the house was sleeping, he lightly crept downstairs he smiled when he saw Aimee and Sirius asleep on the sofa. She was happy, Jacob was going to be a father, his sibling was growing up but he was still their older brother, he had to protect them.

"And where do you think you're going?" Amelia turned the kitchen light on causing Charlie to jump out of his skin.

"Grammy, you scared me, what are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing,"

"Death Eaters have attacked a muggle village, I'm going to help the Order," he explained

"Just wait a second, my dear boy you're going to fight yourself to death,"

"I appreciate your concern, but I'd rather die fighting for what's right than die doing nothing to help,"

"And what will you brothers and sister do when you're gone,"

"I'm the oldest, I'm supposed to take care of them, Theo and Jake already joined the Order too, I didn't want that for them, putting their lives at risk, especially when Jake's going to be a father,"

"I understand that-

"No you don't, I won't let them put the lives on the line,"


Sirius had stayed with Aimee and her brothers all week, wanting to be with her for New Years. He realised it had been a year since they began dating. He wanted to do something special for her, he wanted to recreate the night they kissed, which meant he needed some help.

His Gryffindor bravery gave him the courage to ask Daniel for help recreating that night. While at first, her brother was apprehensive of helping Sirius, he knew his sister would love the gesture. Jacob had taken Laura out for a walk, as she was tired of waiting around to go into labour, they had tried many things, herbal teas, spicy food, but nothing seemed to work.

Theo and Charlie attended a meeting with the Order, instructed by Professor Dumbledore himself. Aimee and Sirius were surprised to find out an old wizard like Dumbledore had founded the Order of the Phoenix. He always seemed to be aloof around the school.

"What was the night like again?" Daniel asked, wondering how they could recreate the weather of that night.

"Clear, full of stars, I made a stupid joke about looking at my family tapestry," Daniel chuckled

"That's pretty funny," he said, "I've been practising with a few weather charms, I'll see what I can about the star thing,"

"Thanks Daniel-

"Call me Danny," Sirius nodded, "so you made a year,"

"I'm just as surprised as anyone," he said, "I hope to be with her forever,"

"Forever is a long time," Daniel commented,

"Yeah, I know," he smiled. That's what he wanted Aimee forever.

As night fell it was time for the count down to New Year, Laura had introduced them to the muggle traditions of Kissing at Midnight. Sealing their fates and love in each other, for the year to come. Before the big night, a girl around 2 years older than Aimee came to their house.

"Wishing you a happy new year!" she cheerfully sang, "is Daniel home I got the toffee's he ordered at the store," Aimee cocked her brows 'Daniel hated toffee sweets'

"Yeah, come in," she invited her into their house, gesturing that everyone to stop using magic.

"Melissa!" Daniel's eyes widened, "What are you doing here?"

"The deliveries went out yesterday and I realised they forgot yours,"

"Oh, thanks," he said, not even remembering that he order anything.

"Are you staying for new years?" Theo asked, receiving a glare from Daniel

"I wouldn't want to intrude-

"Any friend of Danny's is a friend of ours," Charlie said,

"Do you want me to stay for new years?" she asked him,

"Yes, I mean no, I mean if you want to," Daniel stumbled on his words

Aimee tried to hold back a smile, he clearly liked her, you'd have to be blind not to notice that. As the clock ticked closer to Midnight, Laura grew tired but still wanted to stay awake for this. Charlie pulled Jacob, Theo and Daniel aside, while Aimee was busy talking to Laura and Melissa with Sirius.

"It was close the other night, Death Eaters are getting stronger,"

"You can't keep fighting-

"I don't care Theo, I'm fighting for you and Aimee,"

"But if something were to happen to me, I need you to promise me that you'll take care of each other and our sister," Theo, Jacob and Daniel looked at one another, it wasn't a secret that Charlie had grown weaker, he had been close to death a few times only just managing to escape.

"Promise me,"

"I promise," Theo said,

Jacob and Daniel were surprised Theo agreed he would become the oldest if something were to happen to Charlie. Jacob hadn't told Laura how severe the War had become people dying every day, he didn't want to worry her, it wasn't her war. Though she was a great risk. He hated the danger he could have put her in.

The Burke name had been slammed in the Daily Prophet, Bloodtraitor this, Bloodtraitor that, it would only be a matter of time. Before the Dark Lord target them like he had done to many other wizarding families that were opposed to his views on blood purity.

The brothers watched through the window, as Sirius had taken Aimee outside, he showed her the stars in the sky. He said something to her which made her smile and close her eyes, he pressed his lips against hers. They could see how happy their sister had been the last few months, they didn't want to take that away from her.


Sirius had returned to Grimmauld Place though Aimee was worried that he would be in a great amount of trouble with Walburga for ditching his family at Christmas. She couldn't have asked for a better Christmas and New Year just her, grandmother, her brothers and Sirius.

"Oh my god, I can't believe they aren't home yet," Aimee paced around the room, "I have to go to catch my stupid train, I want to see the baby,"

"Jake just called, they shouldn't be too long," Theo said, "oh and don't forget this," he handed Aimee her prefect badge, she hoped they didn't know that she made Slytherin prefect, knowing they would make a big deal out of it.

Aimee gasped as Jacob walked in with a tiny baby in his arms, Laura followed carefully behind, sitting down in a chair. Theo being his twin stated that he should get to hold their nephew first, Jake stopped him insisting that their sister should hold the baby first.

"Laura and I made you his godmother," Jacob told her,

"What's his name?" she sniffled, cradling the small newborn.

"Ethan Theodore Burke,"

Fixing Old Traditions | 𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang