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third year,
she's done caring

Every day for a week Evan had walked her to the Great Hall every morning they had breakfast together. He offered to carry her books to class, though she preferred to hold her own books to save them from potentially being ruined or dropped.

They had been inseparable all week, you didn't see one without the other. Though Aimee had told him that for today she was going to spend some time with Marlene and Alice hoping to catch up with them.

Once they were in class, she sat with Evan at the back of the class, they held each other's hands while they read through their charms book. She hoped to go to Hogsmeade with them before curfew, Remus handed a note behind him to Aimee. She opened the note which read 'We're having another study session in the library if you and Evan would like to join us' She showed Evan the note, he smiled, leaning in close to her whispering.

"They're your friends I don't mind, spending time with them,"

Aimee smiled, she slumped down in her chair, moving her foot forward, nudging Remus' chair a little he turned around she smiled at him nodding her head. After class, most of the third years had a free period which Remus planned to use for their study session.

Evan joined Aimee and her friends for a study session, at first no one knew what to say to each other. Thankfully they were in a library and had to be quiet. Though Remus kept talking to help Peter with his homework, and as usual Sirius and James didn't bother to show up.

The loud commotion outside informed the entire library of Sirius Black and James Potter's marvellous prank, which Peter was disappointed that he missed a prank for this, sat studying in a boring library. After their prank, they decided to pay Remus and Peter a little visit.

"What is this I see?" James mocked, "Lions socialising with snakes,"

"That isn't funny Potter," Lily told him,

"Oh Red, but it is," Sirius said, Aimee frowned

"Come on Evan, we don't have to sit here and listen to their pitiful attempt to rattle us," Aimee said, "because we're snakes,"

"You don't have to leave, they can leave," Marlene said,

"No, really it's fine, if Evan isn't welcome here then neither am I,"

She held Evan's hand as they left the library, if they weren't welcome to study with Remus and the girls, they weren't going to sit there and take Sirius and James tormenting. Once they left the library Lily and Marlene stood up squaring face to face with James and Sirius.

"What on earth is wrong with you?" Lily said "I thought Aimee was your friend,"

"She is-

"No she can't be, because friends don't treat each other like that," Marlene added

"If you hadn't been such a jerk the last few months, maybe you would be dating Aimee instead of Evan," Alice said, standing to join Lily and Marlene. All the girls left the library leaving the four boys together

"You guys understand, why we don't like Slytherins right?" James asked Remus and Peter, they looked at each other, Peter nodded agreeing with them.

"Yes, I understand, however, that still doesn't excuse how you've been treating Aimee and don't think we haven't noticed, you're miserable with Layla and you string her on, why?" Remus said standing taller than the other boys, "all so you can make Aimee jealous?"

"No, I-

"Well, I've got news for you Sirius, she doesn't care anymore, she's done caring with you so much that she's moved on," Remus stated, walking out of the library heading straight for their common room.

Aimee and Evan arrived back in the Slytherin common room, they knew they had about thirty minutes before Regulus would finish his last class of the day. She lounged on a sofa, he lifted her legs to rest them on top of his. She dozed off for a little while, he draped a blanket over her, just as Regulus walked in.

"Hi, I thought you were supposed to be studying?" he asked

"We were but your brother and that Potter had to come and ruin things didn't they," Evan said, carefully manoeuvring himself so he didn't wake Aimee.

"What did he do now?" Regulus asked, dropping his bag on the floor.

"Apparent it's strange for a lion and snake to socialise,"

"He said that,"

"No, Potter did, though Sirius wasn't exactly coming to our defence," Evan said,

Regulus left the common room, he had seen Sirius and his friends on his way back for class. "We're brother's I'm a snake, he's a lion, does he really think that low of Slytherins?" he thought as he scanned the courtyard for his brother and his friends.

Once he spotted them, he marched over them. Regulus wasn't sure what he was going to say, however, Sirius would know he was angry. James jumped in front of him, though Sirius shoved him aside, Regulus glared at Potter, Pettigrew and Lupin.

"What's up Reg?" Sirius asked

"You are," he said Sirius creased his brows unsure why Regulus would have an issue with him


"Are you really that desperate to prove you're different from our family that, you chase away the one person who you actually care about?" Sirius looked at his friends telling them to go, but he grabbed his arm "Be honest with me Sirius, do you really hate Slytherins as much as you seem to, what about me, what about Andy?"

"You're different," Sirius said, "you aren't like mother and father, and god knows Andy isn't like our family,"

"I'm a snake, you're a lion, do you want to push me away too?" he asked "because it's working," 

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