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sixth year,
little blood-traitors

Two months of Hogwarts seemed to fly by, maybe it was the lack of daylight or the lack of trips to Hogsmeade. As much as Marlene and Lily tried to get her out of her room, she would come up with an excuse to stay inside. In a few days, it would be Sirius' 17th birthday party, this was a big birthday for him as he would now be legally allowed to do magic, outside of school.

Aimee was on her way back to the Slytherin Common Room, exhausted after studying and doing extra credit to build her grades back up. Dorcas and Remus had been a great help with keeping her up to date on her classes, especially the ones she missed most of the information in.

As she walked into her common room, she slumped on the sofa next to Evan she rested her head back, closing her eyes for just a moment then sleep stole her mind. He didn't want her to have to sleep in the common room, he carefully lifted her up, she wrapped her arms around his neck, as he carried her to her room. He lit an anxiety-reducing candle, hoping to ease her anxiety when she woke from her nap.

Meanwhile, in Gryffindor Tower, loud music filled every inch of the common room, James had seriously, outdone himself for this party. Even if Sirius was truly grateful for the gesture, he couldn't fully enjoy his birthday without Aimee, once everyone's minds were occupied he snuck out of his dormitory.


"How is she doing?" Regulus asked,

"She's tired, I think this is the first time she's properly slept," Evan told him, a knock distracted them, Regulus walked over to the door.

"Hey, Reg can I come in?"


"I want to see Aimee-

"She's sleeping and I don't want you to wake her up," Regulus said, preventing him from coming in

"I'm not, I just want to see if she's okay," he said, "Reg, she's my girlfriend and I want to be there for her," he sighed letting him in.

"Do you like it at the Potters," Sirius stopped hoping they wouldn't have to talk about this,

"Yes, it's much better having to tiptoe around everyone," he paused, "Have you been okay?"

"I had Aimee to help me,"

"She's a good person, she shouldn't be going through this,"

"Our thoughts exactly," Evan said, "don't wake her up, this is the longest she's slept," he nodded

As he walked to her room he was expecting to find her asleep, though she wasn't there. He rushed around the whole of the common room, he heard someone stumble, in the girl's bathroom, he closed his eyes, flicking one open he saw Aimee, hunched over the sink.

"Aimee," he hurried to her side, brushing her hair out of her face, she threw up, in the sink, he held her hair back for her. "Are you alright?"

"I want a shower, but I can't stand properly," she mumbled,

"Okay," he cradled Aimee in his arms, he flicked his wand at the shower, turning on the water, while she undressed he looked away

"Why are you looking away, you've seen me naked before?" he smiled, taking his clothes off too.

He picked her up, carrying her into the shower, unfazed by her body against his, he sat on the floor, with her leaning on him. He took to shampoo and began to wash her hair, she smiled as he massaged her scalp, instantly calming her. He tilted her head back, rinsing the shampoo out.

Aimee rested her head on his chest, smiling to herself, she never imagine their first time sharing a shower being like this. Although for a moment she had forgotten everything, being with Sirius made her forget about all things that had happened, soothing her mind for just a moment.

"Will you stay with me?"

"I'll always stay with you," he kissed her forehead.

Sirius conjured a few towels to cover themselves with, he carried her back to her room, he rested her on the bed. While he looked through her draws, for something she pulled back the towel to reveal her naked back. Sirius found a small bottle of scented oil, red roses he rubbed some on his hands, straddling her legs.

He massaged her shoulders, and back the scent from the candle provided a calming atmosphere. Combine that with the scented oil, the room felt like heaven, he smiled as she didn't feel tense of straining her muscles. She was completely relaxed in his company, she twisted around, to face him.

"I want cuddles," she pouted, he smiled at her, scooping her up into his arm, "I could live like this forever,"

"I hope we live like this one day, in our own house, just us two,"

"We'll have Ethan on the weekends," she said,

"With little blood-traitors of our own," he said, kissing her cheek

"You think about that stuff?"

"Sometimes, you know, you're bored in class, your mind wanders,"

"How many are we going to have?" she asked

"I figured we'd have four,"


"Yeah, a boy, two girls then another boy," he said, "I haven't thought about this at all, sorry if it freaks you out-

"No, I think it's sweet that think about our future, for a moment I felt as though my life had stopped, but right now with you, feel like myself again, I love you, Sirius, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you,"

"I'm not going anywhere," he pressed his lips firmly against hers allowing her to snuggle up to him, and fall asleep in his arms. 

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