𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚

861 38 0

winter 1980,
you think there's
a mole

"I'm going to scope out Grimmauld Place, my mother will most likely be there, I'd like to to know what's going on, you know, find out what they know,"

"Yeah that'll be a good idea, are you taking the girls with you?" he asked

"Actually, I was hoping you could watch them for a few hours," she smirked as his brows flew up.

"I'm not too great with kids-

"Nonsense, you'll be alright, they're pretty easy to entertain," he nodded, unconvinced of her faith in him. "It'll only be for a couple of hours at most, I promise," she kissed his cheek, then kissed Rhea and Phoebe's cheeks.

As she left the house, she morphed into a dog, running through the fields, it took her just over an hour to get to Grimmauld Place safely she hurried to the window hoping to hear the conversation that was being spoken from the inside.

Unfortunately, they were smart enough to charm the house to prevent unwanted people overhearing them, she needed to see just exactly what the Order knew of her and Regulus' death. Regulus had suspicions of someone leaking information he just wasn't sure if it was a death eater deserting the Dark Lord or a member of the Order turning to the dark side.


Remus had returned back home, though he always felt like he was intruding in Sirius and Aimee's home. He couldn't bring himself, to move anything, everything that Aimee had touched or used was left as she left it. Sirius hadn't slept in his bed since he heard of her death. Amelia had confirmed it for them.

As much as Sirius wanted his daughters with him, he couldn't face them knowing he wouldn't be bringing their mother with him. Remus thought he would have wanted to be around the girls rather than being alone, they could have kept his mind busy.

Remus heard rustling from outside in the garden, being a werewolf he had heightened senses, he could smell better than others, see clearer in the dark, as well as hear the slightest noise. James, Peter and Sirius always called it a little perk, to being a werewolf, Remus never saw it that way, it was just another reminder that he was different.

He had to admit with people's fear of werewolves meant he was less likely to be attacked by death eaters, in case he 'bit them' of course, he could never intentionally bite anyone. He slowly exited the back door into the garden, he couldn't see anyone, he growled as he heard the rustling in the bushes.

"Come out," he said, his wand tightly gripped in his hands, the noise had woken Sirius he hurried outside to Remus' side, a white dog emerged from the bushes, morphing into Aimee. Remus rushed forward pinning the posing witch against a tree.

"Rem, let her go," Sirius demanded

"Aimee's dead Sirius, this isn't her,"

"Remus, it's really me," she said, struggling to breathe, he let her down

"Fine, in first year of Hogwarts Aimee borrowed a wizarding book, from me, what was the name of that book?" he asked

"The Hobbit, and it wasn't a wizarding book, it's a muggle book," he smiled hugging her tightly, he moved away,

As Sirius pulled her close to him, pressing his lips firmly against hers, he slipped his hand between her robe causing them to fall loose. He quickly moved away when he felt her large rounded stomach against his, he creased his brows.

"Are you-

"Yes, but now's not the time, I don't want too many people knowing we're alive-

"Reg is alive too," she nodded

"While I was," she paused when she realised Remus was standing there, "Rem, I kind of need to talk to Sirius alone,"

"Of course, I'll go and see James," he said, leaving them, she watched as he left for James and Lily's house.

"What is it?"

"While I was undercover, I realised the Dark Lord knows things that he shouldn't, I don't know if it's someone in the order or if it's one of the death eaters-

"You think there's a mole," she nodded

"Yes, if people believe me and Regulus are dead they won't come looking for us, I'm telling you because I trust you," she handed him a piece of paper, "That's where we're staying, I have to get back-

"Wait, we need to talk about this," he gestured to bump, she sighed

"I didn't want to tell you like this, but I found out I was pregnant, literally days after I left with Reg, I know that was like six months ago, I never had a chance to come and tell you, Reg was so weak and frail-

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine," he nodded,

"Six months would mean you know we're having," she nodded

"Two boys,"

"Another set of twins, how lucky are we?"

"You always said we'd have four, two sons, two daughters," he chuckled

"I need to ask you something," she nodded, he smiled at her, glancing between them at her bump he rested his forehead against hers. "Marry me?"

"What?" she said, believing she had miss heard him

"I should have asked you long ago, I'm the idiot for waiting until now, you're the one I love, the one I want to wake up to every morning, grow old and raise our children with, what do say do you want to marry me,"

"Do you have a ring?"

"Somewhere in the house," she chuckled taking her ring off, that he had given her when they first started dating.

"This will do, for now," he smiled, kneeling down on one knee, holding her hand,

"Aimee Elizabeth Burke, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife,"

"Yes," she smiled with tears in her eyes, he slipped the ring on her ring finger, he kissed her with a passion so strong it took her breath away. "I do have to leave, I left Reg babysitting the girls,"

"Oh god, yeah get back there," she kissed him one last time before she hurried away,

"You know where we are,"

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