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second year,
perfect date

After digging through her clothes for over an hour, she insisted that Regulus help her pick something out to wear. She had no idea what Sirius was planning on doing for their date. She wasn't even sure why she was making a big effort it wasn't a real date, he only asked her for his dare.

She still wanted to look like herself without going too overboard, she chose a dark green plaid skirt, with a white turtleneck. She left her hair down, pinning back a few strands that covered her face. Aimee instructed Regulus to keep an eye out for Sirius, even if they weren't truly dating, her brothers still wouldn't like the fact that he was taking their sister out on a date.

"He's here," he called

Aimee snuck out of the Slytherin common room managing to slip past her brothers, they didn't recognise her without her hair in a bun or in braids. Sirius looked her up and down she wasn't dressed too differently he didn't mind, although she looked beautiful at the ball, he preferred her to be herself.

"Right, shall we go," she nodded

The pair walked down the hall in silence, neither of them could understand the awkward tension between them, it wasn't a real date. Sirius turned down a hallway, she did know where he was taking her, but she soon spotted Potter, Remus and Peter following them. she stopped Sirius wrapping her arms around him,

"We're being followed," she whispered, he clenched his jaw, 'wow they really didn't believe me'

"We're here," he said, opening the door to the library for her,

"Ooh, my perfect date," she excitedly clapping her hands together, "I've got to get a book while I'm here,"

Sirius followed her through the library as she scanned the bookshelves for a book she wanted to check out, she reached up to get it but she was too short. She jumped but still couldn't reach it then she had an idea.

"Sirius stand here, please," she said, he stood where she told him, Aimee jumped on his back, he shuffled her further up till she was sitting on his shoulders.

"Can you reach it?" he asked,

"Almost, a little to the left," she asked, he moved to the left, she grabbed the book. Jumping down off his back, Sirius looked at the book.

"Romeo and Juliet?" he questioned

"What it's a good play?" She said

"What's it about?"

"Here I'll read it to you," she took his hand pulling him towards her favourite spot in the library, "get yourself comfortable," she told him, to which he laid down with his head on her lap, she rolled her eyes at him, she began to read

"Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife...

As Aimee read the first act, he actually paid attention, while he didn't like reading himself, he rather enjoyed her reading to him. From the corners of the library James, Remus and Peter watched them, they watched as she ran her fingers through his hair as she read him the story.

The boys fully believing them now, left the library, Aimee finished the first act, to which Sirius had a lot of questions such as 'What happens next?' 'do they see each other again?' Aimee smiled at him. He walked her back to her common room.

"Hey, I know that this was a real date or anything but I did have fun," she admitted

"Yeah, me too, I'd love for you read me the rest of that book," he said causing her to laugh,

"Maybe, I will read it to you, it was nice to spend time together just you and me," she admitted

Which made him smile, he was crushing on her badly and he knew it, though he knew Aimee didn't feel that way. But what he didn't know was that she did, only she thought Sirius was just trying to win a bet with Potter.

"You know the night is still young," he said, she creased her brows "we could do something else?"

"That depends on what have in mind,"

"I want to show you a place I went to a lot last year," he said, not giving away any hints.

She agreed to go with him, she had a few places in mind that he might have gone. However, when they walked past the usually hang out spots, she creased her brows wondering where he was taking her. Sirius turned to head upstairs towards the Astronomy Tower, he stopped.

"I haven't told anyone that I come here, not even James, can you keep it between us?" he asked, she smiled at him,

"Yeah of course," as they continued to the top of the Astronomy, she couldn't believe the sight that lay before her. "Oh wow, it's incredible up here,"

"Yeah, it's a great place to clear your mind, just relax,"

"You come here a lot of your own?" she questioned

"Yeah, it's like my own little getaway,"

"I love that," she spoke gazing up at the stars, "how clear the sky is, so clear you can practically see every star in the sky,"

"Yeah, I'm used to being around stars," he chuckled, to himself

"Is that a joke about your family?" she laughed

"Yes, the stars do not interest me,"

"I find them interesting, especially how they can affect your mood, I always feel a sense of safety in them," she spoke, he eyed her wondering what she meant,

"Sometimes when I annoyed my mother, I would be sent to my room and might have stayed there few days, I saw the stars as a gateway to my brothers when they didn't live here, whatever I said, I believed they could hear me, I know they couldn't but the belief that they could, made me feel so safe,"

"Stars make you feel safe?"

"Yeah, I don't expect you to understand-

"No I get it," he quickly said "it must be great to have that safe feeling,"

Cold air blew through the Astronomy tower, she shivered as the night was getting colder, Sirius noticed but didn't have anything for her to wear. He offered to walk her back to her common room, the long trip would have been twice as long for him to get back. She suggested that he walk her halfway so he wouldn't have too far to go.

As they reached the halfway point, she turned to him, wrapping her arms around him, Sirius held her close. Neither he nor she wanted to let go, but they knew one of them had to. He chose to let go first, she smiled at him.

"I had a really great time, tonight, I'll see you soon,"

"Yeah," she smiled at him, she turned to leave for the dungeons.

He watched as she walked away, as much as he wanted to win this dare with James. He was afraid that he was going a little too far, tonight was as close to actually date as they could get, he knew Aimee was doing him a favour. However, the way she dressed up, laugh at his lame joke and share something so intimate with him, he wasn't certain if she was playing along anymore.

Fixing Old Traditions | 𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon