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fourth year,
when aimee met  

Dorcas waited for Aimee outside of their divination class, there was only the two girls, Sirius and Remus that took the class, their friends, chose other elective classes. She was certain that Sirius only chose the class to be in the same classes as her.

It wasn't like Aimee to be late for class, Dorcas waited a little longer before entering the classroom, Remus and Sirius were already seated. They also wondered where she could have been, she had been to their first three classes today, as though she could hear their thoughts, she walked through the door, apologising to the professor as she took a seat next to Dorcas.

"Where were you?"

"I lost track of time,"

"Library?" Dorcas assumed

"Yes," Aimee mumbled quietly, "have I missed anything?"

"Nothing important, we're on page 178," she flipped through the pages, landing on a chapter titled the Second Sight.

"Yes, Seers, this should be an easy lesson," she whispered

"Miss Burke, Miss Meadowes am I interrupting your conversation,"

"No professor, we're actually discussing Seers," Dorcas said,

"Care to enlighten the rest of the class on your conversation?" Aimee nodded

"The ability to foresee the future is heavily limited to few wizards, it is a talent that is inherited and manifested from a young age, only those that possess the ability can accurately predict the future, others who read tarot cards and study divination can predict the future too, but they're usually not entirely accurate,"

"Excellent, have you done some previous reading?" she nodded proudly, "you've grasped the knowledge perfectly, 10 points to Slytherin,"

"That was impressive," Dorcas whispered, she shrugged her shoulders

"I have a relative in Ravenclaw, the same year as Dahlia, Trelawney?"

"I think there is a girl with that name, very quiet, keeps to herself,"

"If you see her could you ask if she'd been willing to meet me," Dorcas nodded as both girls silently listened to their Professor.

However, Aimee struggled to focus, as she would catch a glimpse of Sirius looking at her, only he turned away when she looked at him. She shuffled in her seat, 'he isn't making this easy' she thought. Dorcas nudged her with a smirk on her face.

She shot her a warning glare, as she glanced at Remus and Sirius, luckily they weren't looking in their direction. She couldn't concentrate at all, knowing that he liked her with his quick glances at her she felt like he could see straight through her mind, and know that she was feeling things for him too.


As the last lesson of the day had come to an end, Aimee went to the library as she promised Madam Pince she would help with the clear out of old books. She had a cart that she pushed along the aisles any books that appeared to be falling apart she placed in the cart, it was the least she could do, she was in the library most days.

"Erm, excuse me," a small girl with hair frizzier than her own, and glasses so thick they made her eyes look larger.


"Are you Aimee Burke?" she nodded, "Dorcas said to meet you here, how do you know about this kind of thing?" she asked

"My grandmother is a seer, I was hoping I could learn more,"

"Oh, well, what do you want to know?"

"Your name first?" she asked, kindly smiling at her

"Sybill Trelawney,"

"How Long have you been a seer?"

"As long as I can remember," she stated, "my grandfather said his sister and his grandmother were seer's too,"

"All women,"

"Yes, is your grandmother part of the Trelawney family,"

"I think so, but I wouldn't be sure, I'm meeting her in Hogsmeade if you want to join me," Sybill nodded

As both girls left for Hogsmeade, they walked in silence, she noted that Sybill walked with her head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone she passed. As they neared the village she hurried ahead to the Hog's Head Inn, at first Sybill was nervous to enter, she didn't know Aimee or her grandmother.

"Oh Abe, you are too much," Aimee heard her grandmother laughing,

"Another one Lia," Aberforth said, as he left to get her another drink.

"Grammy," Aimee hurried to hug her grandmother, "I have someone I would like you to meet," she gestured for Sybill to come and meet her grandmother. "This is Sybill Trelawney,"

"Oh, I think I know you, are you Elias' granddaughter,"

"You know my grandfather?" Sybill questioned

"Yes, he's my younger brother, I haven't seen him in years, it's been too long,"

"I'm a seer too,"

"Oh and so young, it's quite frightening at times isn't it," she nodded "I understand, that why I was grateful for Aberforth he a good friend to me, never made fun of my ability or questioned it, having one good friend that believes you, makes it a little less frightening,"

Aimee sat with her grandmother and Sybill, they could have talked for hours. However, when Amelia realised the time she hurried the two girls out of the Hogs Head. Sybill linked arms with Aimee as the two girls walked back towards the castle.

She couldn't help but smile as Sybill hadn't looked down at the ground once on their way back. Talking to someone who understood exactly what she was going through, gave the young seer confidence in herself.

"Thank you so much, Aimee," Sybill wrapped her arms around her, she didn't expect the gesture, she hugged her with just as much enthusiasm

"If you ever need anything, please don't be afraid to ask,"

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