Chapter 6 - You Had One Job

Start from the beginning

"I'll take that as a no," I murmur. I turn my head to Percival. "Has Lance ever been drunk before?"

"No. Never," he shakes his head. "I'm assuming he has in the past, but this is the first I've seen him. I must say I find it quite amusing, "he says pointing towards the drunk Lancelot prancing around the sofas and chairs before turning towards my records and grabbing the Michael Bublé Love vinyl and plays it.

"Would you care for a dance, My Lady?" the drunk man asks me with a hand stretched out, bowing.

"Of course, my kind sir," I reply chuckling, shaking my head at his faux posh manners. I place my hand in his. He leads me towards the middle of the tent. We dance around. Laughing. Singing. He even dragged Percy into our little partnership. Both of us having a great time with this new side of Lancelot.

When La Vie en Rose begins to play, I start to hum along to the lyrics. I clean up my potion making from earlier while still humming along to the tune. I could use magic, but I have hands so I might as well use them. I do a little spin as I put the bottles of ingredients back into their proper places on the shelves. My humming turns into light singing.

I finish putting away all the bottles to sit on the sofa with a content sigh. I could definitely get used to living like this.

Lancelot turns over behind the sofa and pukes on the floor. Perc and I start to gag at that awful stench, covering our mouths with our hands.

"Hehe, sorry Lizzy," Lance apologizes sheepishly then proceeds to pass out on the sofa.

"I'll bring him to our room," Percy says with a sigh, walking over to the unconscious brunette. He picks him up easily and carries him to the back of the tent.

"I'll clean the mess." I stand up to grab my wand on the table and say, "Scourgify. Thank god for magic," I breathe in relief as the mess cleans itself up, but the wrenched stench still lingers. I walk to the bathroom to grab a couple of candles to hopefully make the air fresher.

The next morning Lance wakes up with the worst hangover and I brew him a potion to help him deal with it.

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A couple days after the drunk Lance incident, I ask them what they would think if I turned into an Animagus.

"What exactly is that?" Lance questions, clearly interested in anything magic.

"An Animagus is a wizard who can turn into a chosen animal at will," I inform, "I've been thinking about this for a while, and I thought it could be fun."

"What animal have you chosen if you do this?" he asks.

"A dog," I state simply.

"A dog?" Percy asks in disbelief. "Why not something cooler like a horse? Or a lion? Or a-"

"Or a unicorn?" Lance declares, excitement in his eyes.

"Or a unicorn," Perce repeats with a nod of his head.

"A unicorn?" I ask slowly with eyebrows raised. I get nods in reply. "What would the common person think if they saw a unicorn just wandering around?"

"Ohhhh, yeah, probably not that," Lance utters with eyebrows furrowed.

"See that's why you're not the brains of the group," Percy smirks towards Lance.

"That's exactly neither of you are the brains of the group," I point towards the two men, leaning back against the sofa arms stretched across the back. "Plus, you can't choose your Animagus form. It's based off your Patronus forms, which mine is a dog."

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