Sweet dreams (Wanda)

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Nightmares had been apart of your life for as long as you could remember. After being taken to Hydra as a young child, you were constantly reminded of all the crimes they forced you to commit every time you closed your eyes to go to sleep. You thought that when you joined the Avengers helping people and saving lives would ease your mind and help you sleep, but you were wrong. The nightmares just kept on coming and were unrelenting leading you into a permanent state of exhaustion.
Tonight was no exception.
You had tried to avoid going to bed for as long as you could but soon enough sleep took over and you drifted off into a deep slumber. The nightmares followed a pattern and tonight was no exception. It started with you occasionally whimpering and would eventually lead to you screaming and thrashing around until you would wake up frightened and sobbing from reliving the horrific memories of your early life.
That same evening Wanda had gone for a walk around the Avengers compound as she couldn't sleep. She was softly humming to herself as she passed through the corridor that held the door to your room. Wanda stopped silently outside your door as she picked up on the soft sound of you crying.
"Y/N?" Wanda whispered as she softly knocked on your door. "Is everything okay?". Wanda got no response. The sounds of your cries were slowly getting louder and Wanda knew she had to do something to help you as she had quickly gathered when she first met you, that your past troubled you frequently. She quietly open your door and snuck into your room. Closing the door silently behind her she cautiously approached your bed. The sight that greeted her broke her heart. You were curled up in a ball sobbing and shaking in your sleep.
"Y/N you need to wake up, it's me Wanda". Again you didn't respond to deep in your nightmare to register Wanda's presence in your room. "Y/N it's me Wanda". As the words left her lips, Wanda reached over and shook your arm. You violently jolted awake at the unexpected physical contact and threw yourself as far away from Wanda as you could possible get. "Stay away" You sobbed as you curled up into a ball and cried into your arms. "Y/N it's me Wanda. I'm not going to hurt you, I heard you crying and came in to try and help". At the sound of the all to familiar Sokovian accent you peered up at Wanda and with tear filled eyes said "I just want the nightmares to go away". At the sight and sound of you being so shaken and so vulnerable Wanda immediately helped you off of the floor and held you in her arms. No words were exchanged as Wanda new you needed physical comfort rather than verbal. She stroked your hair and rocked you back and forth as she soothed you to a point where you had stopped crying. Without saying a word Wanda guided you back into bed and got you settled before standing up to leave the room. Before she could even take a step away from you, you desperately grabbed her hand and with pleading eyes and a small, frightened voice said "please don't go". Wanda smiled at you softly and without hesitation slipped under the covers and held you close to her. Without hesitation you held onto Wanda, a feeling of safety and warmth finally surrounding you after weeks of feeling cold and in constant danger. With Wanda gently running her fingers through your hair you could feel yourself drifting back off to sleep. Before you allowed yourself to fully succumb to it you whispered "thank you for making me feel safe again". Wanda gently kissed your forehead as you allowed yourself to finally fall into a peaceful sleep where instead of having nightmares you began to dream of Wanda Maximoff.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now