Video games (Wanda)

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You were in your room at the compound setting up your PlayStation. You were going to play Crash Bandicoot, a game that you had loved since childhood and could play over and over again.
As you got the game loaded and ready to go, you heard your door open and soft arms were wrapped around your waist. You immediately knew it was Wanda and you turned in her arms to face her. "Hey babe" you greeted her softly and placed a kiss on her lips. "Hey, what are you doing?" She replied while glancing behind you. "I'm setting up my old PlayStation, I'm going to play my favourite game" you said excitedly. You sat at the end of your bed to pick up the controller and as you faced Wanda you could see the look of confusion on her face. "I don't understand" Wanda muttered as she looked at the console and then the screen. That's when it dawned on you, Wanda had grown up without things like a games console and probably had no clue what you were talking about. You smiled softly at her and said "do you want me to show you?". She looked at you nervously and nodded before coming to take a seat next to you.
As the game loaded, you turned to Wanda and said "when I was a little girl, my dad brought home this console and said that he had brought us a special game to play that would be for just the two of us. He set it all up and put on a game called Crash Bandicoot. Then every Friday night, we would sit together and he would teach me how to play that game, plus lots of other games. It was my favourite time of the week and when he died it took me a long time before I could play again. So now, when I miss him, I put it on and play".
You wiped away the stray tear that had fallen as you talked about your dad. Wanda placed her hand on your cheek and encouraged you to look at her. "You've never told me that story before" Wanda said as she gently ran her thumb along your cheek. "I guess it's just never been the right time" you whispered. You cleared your throat and took a deep breathe to compose yourself and as you went to pull away from Wanda she shook her head. You could see she was trying to find the right words to say, so you waited patiently. Then in her thick Sokovian accent she said "please can you teach me to play. Then maybe we can play on a Friday too. That way we can remember your father together. I mean you watch so many sitcoms with me to remind me of my father so please let me do the same for you". You looked into Wanda's eyes and nodded before kissing her deeply. When you pulled away you said "thank you, I would love that". Wanda smiled brightly at you and said "okay then show me what to do".
You had been playing with Wanda for a few hours and it hadn't taken her long to pick up the controls. Although she had initially gotten frustrated with how easily she kept dying in the game. She may have been frustrated, but to you she just looked cute as she huffed and puffed. After a while, she seemed to have the hang of it and she felt proud of herself. This was because she was determined to learn so she could share this important part of your life with you, the way you had shared sitcoms with her. You on the other hand had completely forgotten about the game and were now staring at Wanda as she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration. You were taking in all of her features and mannerisms as she focused on the screen and in that moment it dawned on you. You were hopelessly in love with the Sokovian and you wanted to spend an eternity taking in everything about her. Your heart felt like it could burst at the realisation and you had the overwhelming urge to tell her. You and Wanda had yet to say those words to each other, but you couldn't help it as the words came out of your mouth. "I love you" you blurted out. Wanda jumped at your sudden outburst and paused the game. She turned to look at you, shock evident on her face, but quickly enough the shock turned into joy. She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face at your words. Wanda pulled you down onto the bed with her and she straddled your waist. She looked down at you with a radiant smile and a sparkle in her eye before saying "I've waited so long to hear you say that because I love you too". You had never felt happier than in that moment, hearing Wanda say the words back to you. She leaned down and captured your lips with her own. You kissed her back, using the intimate moment to share your love with each other. As you both pulled away, you couldn't help but smile at her. She smiled back before pulling you up and saying "come on Y/N we have more levels to beat".
After that night, you made it a tradition that the two of you would spend Friday nights alone playing games on the old console. You would teach Wanda how to play a variety of games and you would often surprise each other with gifts that included different games for the console for you both to play, or a new box set of sitcoms for you to watch together.
Wanda made you feel complete in a way you hadn't even thought was possible, and the more time you spent with her, the deeper you fell in love with her. You brought out the best in each other and everyone around you could see that you were made for each other.

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