Monster (Natasha)

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You had only been a child when you were given the curse and the scars on your chest were a cruel and constant reminder of what you had become. It caused you to become isolated in fear of hurting another person or passing on the curse and it had caused you to become cripplingly lonely. You had kept your condition well hidden for years, never staying in the same place for too long and ensuring that you stayed away from intense and stressful situations. You knew that in those situations you wouldn't fully transform, but you would still develop the fangs, claws and bright yellow eyes, which was enough to terrify others and pass on the curse. You never wanted anyone to find out what you were - a werewolf. Then you had encountered Tony Stark. He had crashed his suit in the woods on the night you had transformed and he had secretly watched you as you changed into your wolf form and then back to human again as the night came to an end. When he approached you, you were horrified that someone had seen you and you fled, terrified that he would tell people and they would come after you. What you hadn't expected was for him to approach you again, alone. He offered you a home and a safe place to transform, and with your strength, speed and heightened senses, he said you would be a great addition to his team. Initially you refused, but after he had promised you he would work on a way to try and prevent you losing control and partly transforming, you had agreed on the condition that only Tony knew of your curse. Tony happily agreed so you left your hideout to go with him.
You initially stayed away from the others in the team, feeling overwhelmed and nervous, but Tony had quickly developed medication that with great testing stopped you losing control. You were overjoyed and the other Avengers were only informed that you had heightened senses, so for the first time ever, you started to let people in. You made friends fast, but the people you were closest to were Tony and to everyone's surprise Natasha. She seemed to take a swift liking to you and it didn't take long for her to find her way into your heart. You had never had a crush before, so had no idea what you were supposed to do, but you couldn't help but want to spend all of your time with her.
Eventually your relationship developed and she had asked you out for dinner, which had lead to many other dates until you had asked Natasha to be your girlfriend. You were overjoyed when she said yes, but you couldn't help but feel guilty for not telling her your secret. The scars on your chest were also becoming an issue. You wanted to be intimate with Natasha but you knew she would have questions about your scars so any time she tried to initiate something you would gently find a way to say no. Natasha was very patient but eventually even that began to wear thin with your weak excuses and Natasha accused you of not finding her attractive. You tried to reassure her, but she stormed out of the room saying how you just didn't care. You were heartbroken that the woman you loved felt that way and in your sadness, you forgot to take your tablets.
You were distracted the next day, when you had all been called out on an evacuation mission, Natasha wouldn't even look at you and you couldn't help but feel anxious and withdrawn. When you had arrived, Steve had you immediately evacuating people, but an explosion had sent you flying backwards into a pile of rubble.
The ringing in your ears made you feel disorientated, but that wasn't what filled you with terror. You could feel the all too familiar sensation as you began to partly transform due to the stress impacted on your body and you forgetting to take your medication. You screamed in pain as you developed your claws and fangs. Realising what had happened, Tony was the first to approach you. You looked at him panicked and warned him not to come any closer, so sensing your fear he kept his distance. He was trying to reassure you, until the screams of children noticing your appearance caught your attention. You felt sick at the thought of people fearing you and you could feel your breathing becoming rapid. The final straw was when you saw Natasha. The loud gasp and look of complete horror on her face was the final straw. You did the only thing you knew how to in that kind of situation. Run.
You had no idea how long you had been hiding, but the tears hadn't stopped falling down your face. All you could feel was crippling pain as the realisation that the woman you loved feared you.
You had been hiding out in a derelict barn you had stumbled across for three days, before the familiar sound of the Quinjet landing alerted you to the presence of you friends. You sighed heavily as watched Tony and Natasha walk towards you. You didn't dare make eye contact with Natasha and she seemed to sense that so she let Tony approach you as she hovered by the barn doors.  Tony crouched down in front of you and with some gentle persuasion and the reminder it was a full moon that night you nervously boarded the jet, all while avoiding Natasha's gaze, in fear of seeing the same horrified look as before. The ride back seemed to take forever and eventually when you landed, the first pang of pain hit you hard and you fell to the floor. Natasha immediately came to your side to help you, but you pushed her away before shakily saying "no Nat you can't". Tony applied his armour, before helping you up and leading you to the special cell he had designed for you. He locked the door as the pain began to overwhelm you, and you again fell to the floor as your body started to change. What you didn't know was that Natasha had followed you and Tony and watched the whole thing.
When you awoke the next morning, you were initially dazed and confused, but as your post transformation haze cleared from your mind, you bolted upright realising you weren't in the cell. You immediately panicked, thinking you had gotten out of your cell, but as you made a move to get out of bed, Natasha walked into the room. You chewed your bottom lip nervously as you realised she must have brought you to your shared room. She smiled gently at you before handing you multiple bottles of water and some of your favourite snacks. You were stunned and had no idea what to say to her, but she seemed to know exactly what you were thinking so spoke instead. "Listen Y/N I understand why you didn't tell me, but I promise you it's okay and it doesn't change the way I see you or feel about you. I spoke to Tony and he told me about your condition, but if it's okay with you, I want to hear about what happened from you". You finally looked into her eyes at her words and saw nothing but sincerity and love. You took a deep breathe as tears began to fall from your eyes you nodded. She held your hand reassuringly as you told her about how you had become cursed and then for the first time in your entire life, you showed someone your scars. Your bottom lip trembled as she gently traced her fingers across them, but she didn't flinch away, she merely looked at you lovingly and said "everyone has scars Y/N, they make you who you are and I for one wouldn't change a single thing about you". You felt your heart swell at her words but what she did next made you realise that you should of told Natasha a long time ago. She lifted off her shirt and to your surprise had scars of her own. You gasped as you took in the scars littering her torso. The realisation, that she understood sank in and you couldn't help the sob that escaped your lips. You immediately clung to Natasha and profusely apologised for not telling her sooner. She merely reassured you and told you it was okay and as you held her close you said "I love you Nat, I really really love you". Natasha held you tighter and whispered I "that's good because I really love you Y/N". She kissed your lips tenderly and for the first time in your life, you didn't feel completely alone.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang