Mistakes - part 2 (Natasha)

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A/N: I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it - Request for SaraF0704

A/N: I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it - Request for SaraF0704

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It had been a couple of months since the night Natasha had cheated on you.

The first couple of weeks were the hardest. The only person you would see following the incident was Wanda. You had kept yourself hidden away, not wanting to see the others sympathetic looks and not wanting to look at the face of the woman who had so easily broken your heart. You didn't want anyone to see your tear stained face or the look of pure heartbreak and sadness that Wanda had noticed never really seemed to leave you. The week after was slightly better, you knew Natasha's schedule off by heart so found it easy enough to avoid seeing her and to begin interacting with the other avengers and venturing around the compound with Wanda by your side. The fourth week, you felt like the ache in your chest was becoming more bearable and you smiled genuinely for the first time in a month when Thor gave you one of his bear hugs to cheer you up. Another month passed and you still avoided Natasha, but you felt more like yourself. You knew that Natasha had attempted to talk to you, and had desperately wanted to make things right, but Wanda could be scary when she wanted to be and you knew she had made sure Natasha backed off.
Two months after the incident, you were feeling happier and less fragile and you didn't feel the need to avoid Natasha. You knew you would have too see her eventually, as Steve wouldn't be able to put you on separate missions forever. You also felt like for you to truly move on you would need to have a conversation to clear the air. You could feel your heart ache at the thought, knowing that you still loved her deeply no matter how badly she had hurt you.

You didn't sleep well that night as you were nervous about seeing Natasha again. You needed to pluck up the courage to have that conversation, so to ease your nerves you decided to go up to your favourite spot on the compound. You made your way up to the roof, fully intent on watching the sunrise. When you opened the door, what you saw made you stop dead in your tracks. You felt like the air had been taken from your lungs as you saw the hunched up figure sat on the edge of the roof. You knew immediately it was her, and in the moonlight, you could see her body trembling. You could also hear the quiet sobs that were wracking her body. You debated going back inside, but you were never a cruel person and you couldn't bear the thought of leaving her alone up here when she was in so much distress. You swiftly made your way to sit beside her and before she could even register your presence, you brought her into a hug. You held her close to your chest and rocked her back and forth as her sobs grew louder once she realised who was comforting her. Natasha desperately grasped at your shirt as she sobbed, every now and again muttering "I'm sorry" between her sobs. In all the years you had known Natasha, you had never seen her cry, let alone fall apart like this. You fought your own urge to cry, your heart breaking all over again, but for a different reason. No matter what had happened between you, you would never want her to feel this way.
Eventually, Natasha calmed down with your help, and sat up to look at you with sad glossy eyes. "I'm so sorry Y/N" Natasha whispered as more tears flowed from her eyes. You involuntarily reached up and wiped them away and you didn't miss the way she leaned into your touch. You sighed before saying "I know Nat but you have to understand that you broke me. I wanted to hate you so badly because you completely shattered my heart to the point I didn't think I would ever recover. I've spent the last few months putting myself back together." At your words Natasha could only look at her lap, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. You took a deep breathe and continued "but I also realised that I don't think I could ever hate you. I love you to deeply for that." Her eyes snapped up to yours as her bottom lip trembled. "I went with Wanda to speak with the woman I found you with and I know it wasn't your fault Nat. Wanda read her mind and I know she was blackmailing you. I know you did what you did because she was threatening to hurt me. I just wish you had told me so we could have avoided all of the heartbreak". Natasha began to tremble at your words, she felt so relieved that you finally knew she had never wanted to hurt you, but she was terrified that she would loose you because of it. "I still love you Nat and I want you to know that I forgive you and I want you to stop beating yourself up over it". Natasha took a shaky breathe before taking your hands in hers. She looked at you with pleading eyes. "Im sorry I didn't tell you Y/N but I was terrified she was going to hurt you. I still love you too, so much it hurts and I want to make it up to you. I want you to be able to trust me because you're the only one I want." With a trembling hand Natasha took off the necklace she was wearing and placed it in your hand. You gazed down at the chain in your hand to see the engagement ring you had picked out for Natasha. "You kept it" you whispered as the tears you had been holding in fell. "You're my person Y/N and I want to prove that to you so please please just give me one more chance. Let me show you how much I love you". You gently placed the chain back around her neck and placed your hand against her cheek. "Okay" you whispered as you pulled her in for a gentle kiss. The feeling of her lips on yours was incredible. You felt whole for the first time in weeks, but you knew you couldn't give in completely to Natasha. She needed to earn you back. You rested your forehead against hers before saying "I want us to work this out properly Nat. I want you to keep the ring because it symbolises just how much I love you, but we need to start again and you need to work to gain my trust back". "How about we start with a date?" Natasha whispered. You nodded as you moved to rest your head on her shoulder. "I would like that" you whispered looking out into the sky.  The sun had finally started to rise and you couldn't help but feel like it was symbolising a new beginning for you and Natasha. You held out your hand for Natasha to hold and as she laced your fingers together you couldn't help but gaze up at her in the soft morning light and say "to new beginnings". She nodded as she smiled at you and with your hands locked together she brought your hand up to her lips to kiss it gently "to new beginnings". You watched the sunrise in Natasha's arms as her comforting embrace began to heal the cracks that had surrounded your heart. You knew that Natasha wouldn't let you down again and that she would repair the damage she had caused because of her mistake. She loved you and you loved her and as long as you had each other, you knew you would be happy.

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