Who are you? (Natasha)

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A/N: This is for queenbihmen  I hope you like it! Sorry for taking so long I've been really busy with work and Christmas.

*trigger warning - this story mentions abuse*

You hated yourself. That was something you had known for a long time and the way your family treated you was the cause. Your dad would push you around, hurt you and belittle you at every chance he got and nothing you ever did was good enough for your mother. Even your sister had grown tired of you and just ignored your presence. You were so angry all of the time and if you had thought about it, you might have realised how depressed and insecure you had become. You were good at hiding it from the people that mattered, like your girlfriend Natasha so it just became second nature to lie. Eventually your anger got the better of you and you couldn't help but focus it on someone that you knew would be an easy target, the two new recruits in your S.H.I.E.L.D training class. They were timid and nervous and that made them easy to target. Every time you would see the two timid girls in the hallway you would be sure to give them your most intimidating stare before purposefully shoving past them and telling them to move. You would taunt them whenever they got something wrong during training and you couldn't help but want to make them feel uncomfortable. You did this for a while until one of them refused to move and at her defiance it was like the thin tether containing your pain, anger and frustration snapped. You immediately pinned her against the wall and raised your fist into the air. The girl had immediately stared to cry while her friend pleaded with you to stop, but all you could see was red. You clenched your jaw and as you went to punch her you were unforgivingly yanked backwards onto the floor. As you hit the floor, it was like you were harshly brought back into reality and immediately felt a lump form in your throat. You looked up to see who had pulled you away, only to shrink in on yourself at the realisation it was Natasha. She was yelling at you, that much you could tell, but the ringing in your ears caused by your oncoming panic attack made it hard to focus. You could however make out the words "disappointed" and then it was like all you could focus on was her. At you lack of answers she glared at you before shaking her head and saying "who are you? Because that's certainly not how my girlfriend treats people. God Y/N I'm so disappointed. No not just that I'm ashamed of you and what you did to that girl. What the hell is wrong with you?". Hearing the one person that you trusted and loved more than anyone else say those things about you made you feel sick to your stomach and it was like all of the air had been taken from your lungs. So you slowly got back onto your feet and with wobbly legs, walked away from Natasha. You could hear her calling after you, but you ignored her and made your way out of the building.
You eventually made your way home, and as Natasha's words kept repeating in your mind, you felt like you deserved to be punished. You hadn't meant to snap, but there is only so much one person could take before their world begins to crumble and fall apart.
As you entered your house, you decided you would do something to irritate your dad to trigger him into punishing you because no matter how much he terrified you, you felt like you deserved to be treated that way. You started off small, ignoring him when you entered the house. Then you purposely knocked over his drink which earned you a string of verbal abuse. The final straw was you burning his dinner on purpose and the back hand across the face and the way he threw you down to floor caused you to cower and try to make yourself as small as you could. You were shaking and trying not to cry as you braced yourself for the next blow, only for it not to come. Instead, your dad was brought to his knees by none other than a widows bite. You felt yourself freeze as you watched him collapse in front of you and you couldn't help but flinch as someone placed their hand on your shoulder. You looked you to see that it was Natasha. You felt your eyes fill with tears as she crouched down to your level. You felt ashamed and embarrassed that she had seen you like this and you wanted nothing more than to disappear. Natasha seemed to sense how you were feeling and gently rubbed her thumb across your cheek to wipe away the tears falling from your eyes. "He isn't going to hurt you again Y/N, this isn't your fault" Natasha whispered as she helped you get to your feet. Everything felt like a blur as Natasha helped you into her car and you hadn't even realised she had stopped driving until she helped you get back out of the car at the Avengers compound. She brought you to her room in the compound and lead you down gently in her bed. She immediately got in next to you and held you in her arms. She knew you were in shock and would need time to process what was happening, so she stroked your hair and eventually you drifted off to sleep, your body finally relaxing and your face peaceful as you slept. Natasha on the other hand couldn't stop thinking. She felt guilty that she hadn't realised what was going on and she also realised that perhaps your behaviour with the other agents had been triggered by your home life. She wanted to do everything in her power to make you feel safe and happy.
The next morning you groggily stirred awake and for a moment, you enjoyed the feeling of strong arms wrapped around you. That was until the reality of what had happened hit you and your whole body stiffened. You tried to move away, only for Natasha to tighten her hold on you and whisper "it's okay Y/N, I've got you". You shook your head as the inevitable flow of tears began again and you couldn't help but keep repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again. Natasha turned you to face her and she gently held your face in your hands. "Listen to me Y/N, you don't need to apologise. You're safe with me okay and I'm going to make sure they never hurt you again". You leaned into her touch as her reassuring words comforted you. "I wanted to tell you about it, I really did but I was scared and ashamed. I...I didn't want to hurt that girl and I'm sorry I disappointed you" you whispered. Natasha just gave you a reassuring smile before saying "I'm not disappointed in you, I was just shocked. I shouldn't have talked to you like that before finding out what was going on, it's just that I've never seen you that angry before. You know maybe it would help if you spoke to someone, talking about it might help you deal with that anger properly". You nodded before taking a shaky breath and saying "I need to find the two girls from my class, I need to apologise". Natasha kissed you softly on the lips before saying "come on then, we can do this together".
Natasha was true to her word and held your hand as you profusely apologised to the two girls. They were surprisingly kind to you and you promised that you would find a way to make it up to them only for them both to hug you and say that wasn't necessary, but they would love your help with some sparring techniques. You enthusiastically agreed and Natasha in turn also offered her support, leading to you walking away from them on good terms. The next step was to go and see the S.H.I.E.L.D therapist. It was tough going in the beginning, as you had to keep bringing up past trauma, but as time went on you found yourself processing everything in a more healthy way and found that training was a much more healthy way to deal with your anger. Natasha stayed by your side the entire time and you would constantly thank her for her support. She had dragged you back from the darkness and had helped you find yourself again, when you thought that part of you had disappeared.  You were finally safe and happy, and you had the love of your life Natasha by your side.

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