Agent down (Natasha)

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Natasha was well known for being calm and collected, especially when it came to missions. It was one of the reasons she was a top S.H.I.E.L.D agent, that along with being a top Russian spy. She didn't seem to have any weaknesses, until she met you. Natasha seemed to have a soft spot for you and had somewhere along the line, developed a crush on you and now whenever you went on a mission without her, she couldn't help but feel anxious for you. She had planned to tell you exactly how she felt, but you had been called into a mission to clear out an old Hydra base. Natasha had been tasked with manning the comms for the mission, which meant staying at the avengers compound communicating with the team active on the mission. It had all been going fine, until Natasha heard the sound of a gun being fired. There was a deafening pause before Natasha heard the words "agent down, we need emergency evac now" coming from Steve's communicator. Natasha felt her mouth go dry as she frantically organised the evac as quickly as she could. Natasha took a deep breathe and asked the question she had been dreading the answer to. "Steve who is down and what injuries have they sustained?". The sound of static echoed through the comms before Steve's voiced sounded out "Nat its Y/N she has taken a gunshot wound to the abdomen and is losing a lot of blood, I'm going to have to carry her to the jet". Natasha felt all of the colour drain from her face as she realised that she could lose you before even getting the opportunity to tell you how she felt. Natasha paced back and forth frantically awaiting your return. She hadn't heard anything other than Steve confirming you had successfully evacuated the Hydra base and were returning to the compound to be treated for your wounds. After what felt like days to Natasha but was really only an hour, the jet landed and you were rapidly transported to the medical wing. Natasha followed the familiar route to the medical wing as you were rushed into emergency surgery to remove the bullet. Steve stood next to Natasha as she watched them perform the emergency surgery. She hadn't even realised she was crying until Steve put his arm around her to try and comfort her. Although slightly awkward Natasha appreciated the kind gesture from Steve and sent him a small smile letting him know. Natasha span around rapidly as the doctor entered the room they had been observing the surgery from. He kindly smiled at the both of them before saying "she has suffered a nasty bullet wound to the lower abdomen along with some broken ribs and a fractured wrist. We've managed to completely remove the bullet and stop any internal bleeding as well as put her wrist in a cast to enable it to heal properly. She is going to need a lot of rest, time to recover and potential physiotherapy before she will be 100% again but she will be alright". Natasha let out a relieved sigh at the doctors words and said "thank you so much doctor, can we see her yet?". The doctor nodded and said "of course but only one person at a time". With that he exited the room leaving Natasha with Steve. "You go ahead Nat. I think there are some things that need to be said don't you think. And I'm sure you're the first person she is going to ask for anyway" Steve said sincerely. Natasha nodded at Steve before thanking him and briskly walking to the room where you were recovering.
She walked in to see you bruised and covered in bandages, but breathing and seemingly sleeping peacefully. Natasha waited patiently, holding the hand of your uninjured arm until you began to stir from your sedated slumber. Your eyes fluttered open as you groaned groggily, your body aching all over. Your gaze fell to Natasha as you smiled at her before whispering "hey Nat". Natasha smiled widely back at you, overjoyed that you were finally awake "hey Y/N, how are you feeling?" Nat asked you her eyes never leaving yours. "Like someone who just got the crap beaten out of them" you chuckled, wincing as pain radiated through your body. Natasha began to tear up at your words and softly took your hand in hers. "Listen Y/N there is something I need to tell you. I like you, I mean really like you and seeing you like this had made me realise I should have told you sooner because I don't ever want to lose you. You mean to much to me a...and I think I might be falling in love with you". You blinked back tears at Natasha's word, you couldn't believe that the Natasha Romanoff was falling in love with you. You had convinced your self that someone as amazing as her would never like someone as ordinary as you and that she would reject you not reciprocate those feelings. Natasha took your pause as you not returning those feelings and muttered words of apology while trying to get up to leave. Realising you had left her hanging and ignoring the searing pain throughout your body, you pulled Natasha towards you and connected you lips in a searing kiss. Natasha brought her hands up to hold your face as she gently pulled away from you. You couldn't help the enormous grin that plastered your face as you said "if that wasn't clear enough Nat, I think I might be falling in love with you too and I've liked you for a long time". "Well then, it looks like we need to get you all fixed up so I can take you on a date, but there is one question I need to ask you first" Natasha said tucking your hair behind your ear. You looked at Natasha with a confused expression, "and what question would that be?". Natasha looked you lovingly in the eyes and asked "will you Y/N Y/L/N be my girlfriend?". You brought Natasha in for another kiss before resting your forehead against her "of course I will, I thought you'd never ask".

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