Consequences (They need you now, more than ever) - part 2 (Wanda)

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A/N: I honestly can't believe how many of you loved the first part of this story, so here is the heavily requested part 2. There will also be another version of part 2 as I have another idea for how I wanted this one to end.
killingdove Thank you for helping with the this one. Your idea was a great help!

You landed with a harsh thud on the floor in an unknown location. You hadn't thought about where you wanted to go, only that you had to get away from the people that had hurt you so deeply. You took in a shaky breathe as you surveyed your surroundings and froze as you spotted a man watching you from across the room. You stood on shaky legs as the man addressed you "Hello Miss Y/L/N, I know you must be very confused but please let me introduce myself. I'm Doctor Stephen Strange,". You still remained silent, unsure of his intentions. You had heard of the man stood before you through Nick Fury and you knew that you given the fact he was a sorcerer, you being here wasn't an accident. At your silence he spoke again "I know you must be confused, but I assure you I mean you no harm. I know what has happened to you and I want to help. I would like the opportunity to guide you in learning to control and harness your abilities". "And why would you want to do that?" You questioned. "Because I know what's coming and if you really want you use your powers for good then you need to be ready". You contemplated his words, you had no where else to go and no other friends or family you could go to for help. You were still so angry, but maybe having someone as powerful as Doctor Strange on your side could prove useful. So you nodded before muttering an "okay where do we start".
You remained with Strange for three years. He taught you about discipline and self control, as well as how to harness and use your powers to your advantage. You could now use your pyrokinetic abilities without losing control. You could generate anything from a tiny flame from your fingertips to flames that ignited across your whole body. You were also now able to teleport without exhausting yourself and could transport yourself to a location with pinpoint accuracy, as well as this you were also able to teleport with others if physical contact was initiated. Strange also insisted on keeping up with your combat training, so you were now physically stronger as well as mentally stronger. Doctor Strange had become like a father figure to you and you felt as though you owed him your life.
You were practicing your teleportation accuracy, when Strange entered the room with a concerned look on his face. "It's time Y/N" he said as he approached you and place his hand on your shoulder. You looked up at the man and nodded. "I need you to go to Wakanda. There will be people there that need your help and they need you now more than ever". Again you nodded and pulled him in for a hug "thank you for everything" you said confidently to your mentor. He smiled at you before saying "go now before it's to late". You took a few steps away from him and in the blink of an eye you were gone.
You landed on your feet, in exactly the right location, Princess Shuri's laboratory. She looked up at you in shock so you quickly said "I'm here to help, where do you need me?". Before she could respond, the sound of fighting could be heard from outside the room, so the second the doors burst open you knocked back the intruders, with balls of fire. Once the coast was clear, she turned to you and said "Thank you for that. Now where the hell have you been Y/N?". You couldn't help but smile at the Princess. Shuri had always been kind to you whenever you went to visit Bucky during his rehabilitation. He had been the only person you had visited in your time away. He had never judged you for what had happened and he was the only other person that understood the damage that Hydra had caused you. "Sorry I got held up. How can I help?". Shuri explained about the invasion and that she was trying to remove the inifinity stone from Vision to prevent a being called Thanos from wiping out half of the universe. Vision glanced at you, when you approached the table and said "it's good to see you again Y/N, I can only offer you my deepest of apologies for our actions". You shook your head at him before saying "water under the bridge Vis now where are the others". Shuri pointed to the windows and what you could see was absolute carnage. There were hordes of alien creatures running through the shields. You watched as Thor landed on the battlefield, but even he couldn't tip the odds in the Avengers favour. You took one look at Shuri and said "I have to help them ". So you did what needed to be done.
You teleported yourself out of the lab and landed in the middle of the battlefield. You could hear the gasps from your old team mates as they realised who you were. They seemed to freeze, unsure of what to do in your presence, but when you started sending out wave after wave of flames, scorching any of the alien creatures that dared get near you, they refocused on winning the fight. Eventually, there numbers had dwindled and the Dora Milaje took over the situation.
Before you could reunite with your former team, a loud crash from the palace caused you to look to the skies. Vision was flying through the air with one of the creatures and seemed to land somewhere in the trees. You watched as the team dispersed, desperate to get to him before the stone was ripped out of him by the Mad Titan. You already knew what needed to be done, so you teleported and landed on one of the branches of a tree overlooking where Vision had landed. You were patient as you watched the Avengers fight off the stragglers. That's when you saw him. Thanos appeared below you, unaware of your presence as he made a move to grab Vision. You effortlessly leaped out of the tree, landing on his shoulders. All you needed was that physical contact as you teleported him away from the stone. He landed heavily beside you, back on the battlefield as you took the opportunity to remove the gauntlet from his hand. You threw it back to Bucky, who had run up behind you to help and shouted "stay back". Bucky did as you asked and watched as you ignited your whole body in flames. "No one hurts my friends" you muttered angrily as you surrounding him with fire. The flames danced around you as you consumed his body in the flames. He screamed as you turned him to dust and ash, ensuring he would never hurt anyone ever again. Once the screams had stopped, you pulled back the flames and fell to your knees. You were breathing heavily, never having used your powers so forcefully before, but you knew you had done what was right to save the lives of billions of people. Bucky was swiftly by your side ensuring you weren't injured. Once he saw that you were okay he pulled you in tightly for a hug. When he eventually released you, the other Avengers were stood apprehensively waiting to see how you would react. When you smiled softly at them, they all visibly relaxed before Vision said "thank you Y/N I owe you my life".
You shook your head and said "nobody owes me anything Vis, I'm just glad I could help and before anyone says anything, I just want you all to know that I forgave you all a long time ago. What happened in the past stays in the past and I'm hoping we can build bridges because I've missed you guys". Everyone nodded in agreement as Doctor Strange moved to stand beside of you. "I'm proud of you Y/N, you've come so far" he said as he put his hand on your shoulder. "Thanks Strange I couldn't have done it with out" you said sincerely.
After chatting with the Dora Milaje about how you could help clean up, you teleported back to the lab to check on Shuri. What you hadn't expected to see when you landed was no sight of Shuri, but instead Natasha and Wanda stood looking out of the window. They turned abruptly at the sound of your feet hitting the floor and the second you made eye contact with Wanda, you felt like your breath had been taken away. Raw emotion took over at the sight of the woman you had loved and your old best friend and without realising it you were walking towards them. They both opened their mouths to speak, but before they could, you pulled them in for a much needed hug. You whispered "it's okay" before pulling away. You looked them both in the eyes before saying "I've never felt more like myself then I do right now. I've taken the time to heal and work on myself and if you guys will have me, I would love to build back the bonds we had before". Natasha nodded before bringing you back in for another hug. "You know you'll always be my best friend Y/N and I'm going to make things right whatever it takes". You gave her a light squeeze and smiled at her before pulling away. That's when Natasha winked at you before saying "I think Steve needs some help, I will see you guys later". You shifted nervously in your feet as Wanda stared at you intently. You took a deep breathe and stepped close to her. You gently took her hand and placed it on your forehead. "I want you to look, I have something to show you". As her eyes flashed red, you focus on showing her your time with Doctor Strange. Then you refocused your mind and showed her your memories of the time together both before and after Hydra had taken you. As the red disappeared from her eyes, she brought her hand to rest on your cheek. "What we did to you was terrible Y/N and I know you said you forgive us, but I need you to know how sorry I am. I will do whatever it takes to show you just how sorry I am. I should have had your back, and if I could take it all back I would. But I need you to know that, through all of this, I never stopped loving you and if you will give me the chance, I would like to start again. So please can I take you out sometime?". You smiled softly at her and said "I forgave you a long time ago Wanda, and if I'm honest I don't think I ever stopped loving you either, so to answer your question yes I would love to go out with you". The beaming smile that Wanda gave you made your heart swell and for the first time in a long time you finally felt like you were home.
Weeks after the events at Wakanda, you had moved back into the Avengers compound. You had been working on building back up the relationships with the team and you were on great terms with everyone. Doctor Strange came to visit you often to support you with your training and to say you were happy was an understatement. You and Wanda had also been on numerous dates and were back on track. You were slowly becoming more and more comfortable in each others presence and you felt like your future with her was bright. You had finally taken back the life that Hydra had stolen from you and for that you couldn't have been more grateful.

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