Unexpected turn of events (Natasha)

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You and Natasha had been together for 5 years but had known each other for a long time before you finally admitted your feelings towards each other. You had been married for a year now and you had both finally decided that you had wanted to try for children. You knew that Natasha had always thought she didn't deserve a family, but will some gentle encouragement and love, Natasha felt comfortable and excited to start a family with you. Natasha knew how much having children meant to you so she approached the one person she knew could help make sure your dream came true.
Tony sat working on one of his suits in his lab when Natasha approached him and explained the situation. He saw you as a daughter so agreed to help you find a doctor that would give you the best results and help you have children that were genetically both yours and Natasha's even though you would be the one carrying the babies. When Natasha told you about what Tony was doing, the next time you saw him you pulled him into a tight embrace and thanked him endlessly. He just smiled and said "anything for you kiddo, plus Morgan will love having someone to play with".
Within the next few days, you had an appointment booked to see a specialist that would start you on your journey to have children. You anxiously held Natasha's hand in the waiting room and you couldn't help but bounce your leg up and down as your nerves kicked in. Natasha kissed you gently and said "baby calm down it's all going to be alright". The kiss alone was enough to calm you down, but her words made you feel so safe and reassured. Eventually you were called into the doctors office and he explained all about the processes you would need to go through and how they would make it possible for your eggs to bear both yours and Natasha's DNA. He also examined you and said that he was happy to start if you were. You couldn't help the beaming smile on your face at his confirmation, it was really happening and seeing you so happy made Natasha's heart swell. After the initial appointment, you were finally given a date for the first try to conceive a child.
The procedure was done fairly quickly and after waiting a few weeks, you took a pregnancy test to see if it had worked. As you looked at the test in front of you, you couldn't help but feel your heart sink at the negative result, but Natasha was there to pick you up and reassure you that you could just try again. This however, happened time and time again and each time you could see the hope disappearing from Natasha's eyes. After your fourth try, the doctors conducted more tests and to your dismay informed you that there was a chance you many never be able to carry children and the chances of you conceiving were low. You were utterly heartbroken at the news so you turned to the one person that never failed to make you feel better, Natasha, but your heart sank as you looked at her. She had a distant look in her eyes and she refused to make eye contact with you.
After you had returned home, you had hoped Natasha would talk to you and help you process what was going on, but she did the opposite. Instead she threw herself into her work, going on mission after mission and you knew it was how she coped, but you felt so alone. You felt like all of your dreams were slowly slipping out of your grasp and that you had let Natasha down. Your body was betraying you and you were frightened that not only had you lost the dream of having your own children, but you might also loose the woman you loved too.
Tony came to see you frequently and he could see the sadness in your eyes. He had tried to talk to Natasha, but she had simply explained that she needed to deal with this in her own way . So Tony encouraged you to not lose hope, and with him by your side, you agreed to try one last time. Natasha had no idea about what you had done and it had been weeks since she had last been home after being sent on a mission, so Tony stayed by your side. You had been staying in their cabin, enjoying spending time with Tony, Pepper and Morgan and as you were sat in the kitchen talking to Pepper, you had to bolt to the bathroom as a wave of nausea hit you. After being sick, Pepper brought you a glass of water and gave you a kind smile before saying "has this happened before Y/N?" You shook your head before saying "Its probably something I've eaten, especially with Tony's cooking skills". You both laughed and Pepper nodded before helping you back up to your feet. As the days went on, your bouts of nausea became more frequent, so cautiously, Pepper approached you. She sat you down and gently placed a box in your hands. "I think you might need this Y/N". You turned it over to reveal the front of the pregnancy test, and apprehensively you nodded your head. This was the first test you had taken without Natasha's support and you couldn't help the pang of sadness at the thought. Natasha had struggled with this just as much as you and you missed your wife dearly, but you didn't want to get her hopes up so you took the test and waited nervously with Pepper. As you looked at the test, you couldn't help the gasp that left your mouth and the tears that sprang to your eyes. It was positive and the second Pepper saw that she pulled you into a hug. When you pulled away the first thing you said was "I have to tell Nat Pepper". She nodded at you proudly, before saying "you leave that with me".
So Pepper got to work, she told you to put the test into a box and wait down by the lake for your wife. You waited patiently as you sat on the edge of the dock, and before you knew it Natasha had apprehensively taken a seat beside you. You immediately grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze before whispering "I missed you Nat". She sighed sadly before saying "I missed you too Y/N, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I was selfish and I shouldn't have shut you out". You turned to her and kissed her gently before saying "please don't apologise Nat, you needed to deal with this too and I know that you need time and space to do that. It's been hard on us both, and Tony and Pepper have been amazing. Being with them helped me process everything and get through it". Natasha pulled you into her side holding you close and as she looked into your eyes she said "I love you Y/N". You smiled back at her and said "I love you Nat. Listen, I have a surprise for you so close your eyes". Natasha looked at you with an eyebrow raised but did as you said anyway. Nervously you placed the box in her hands before telling her she could open her eyes. Natasha initially just stared at the box, but with a gentle "open it Nat", her curiosity got the better of her. As her eyes landed on the test in the box, she seemed to hold her breathe. She slowly picked it up before turning her head to face you. Initially her face just showed shock, but the overjoyed smile she gave you as what was happening really registered with her made you beam back at her. Natasha hands immediately came to rest in your stomach before she said "it's really happening, it worked". You nodded your head as you rested your hands on top of hers and explained about Tony encouraging you to try one more time. When you finished explaining, Natasha just grinned at you before excitedly pulling you to your feet and spinning you around in joy. You couldn't help but laugh as she did so, and when she finally put you down you said "I can't wait to have a family with you Nat". She kissed you again before saying "me too Y/N I love you so much".
The next 8 months were tough, especially when you found out you were carrying twins, but you would do it all over again, just to see the look on Natasha's face when you delivered two perfectly healthy babies. A girl and a boy. The baby girl was named Natalia Yelena Maria Romanoff after Natasha, her sister and one of yours and Natasha's closest friends. The baby boy was named Anthony Clinton Nicholas Romanoff after Tony, the man you considered a father, Clint Natasha's best friend and Nick, the man that had first introduced you and Natasha and who had become a close friend over the years. As you stared loving at your children, you finally felt like you had everything you had dreamed of. A loving wife and two beautiful children and you knew you would do anything for them. In that moment, you had never felt happier and as Natasha kissed you lovingly, you felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

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