Surprises (Natasha)

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To say you were stressed was an understatement. You were still at university studying a psychology degree and your final exams were coming up. On top of that, you then had your final physical assessments before you found out if you would qualify as a shield physiologist for the avengers. Shield were also pushing for your results to come forward sooner so you would be collecting them the day after the exam.
The only thing that kept you calm and grounded was Natasha. She had promised to help you study and train, and she was going to be there with you when you collected your exam results.
You went to go and find Natasha and when you found her she was taking to Bruce and Tony in the lab. "Hey babe, would you mind helping me please, I'm struggling to remember some of the things on my notes and I could really use your help?". Natasha glanced at you and sighed before responding "sorry Y/N I can't we have to sort out some avengers stuff, you will have to do it alone". You frowned and replied with "oh okay no worries I guess I will see you later". You bit back your disappointment, as Natasha turned away from you without responding. You decided to just get on with it and spent the rest of the day revising in your room alone.
The next day, you went looking for Natasha again, this time to get in a training session to clear your mind before your test and to practice your sparring. You found her in the kitchen with Steve and when you approached her , you wrapped your arms around her from behind. "Morning Nat, do you want to..." before you could finish, Natasha stepped away from you and interrupted you "not now Y/N me and Steve are discussing official Avengers business". You just nodded and looked at your feet before slipping away, feeling hurt at her dismissing you again. You decided to use the punching bag and the shooting range to at least get some practice in before having to take all of your tests.
This cycle continued for a few days and the day of your exam and physical test had arrived. You had convinced yourself that Natasha wouldn't blow you off today, but when you saw the note on your bed that read "gone to lunch with Wanda" you felt the sadness and disappointment all over again. Realising you were going to have to go to the test alone, you took a deep breathe, gave yourself a pep talk and then found your car keys and drove over to the university campus.
You felt relieved as you walked out of the campus, feeling like the test had gone well, now all you needed to do was demonstrate you were physically capable of working for shield and the avengers. You drove to the shield training base and put on your training gear. As you walked out into the gym, you scanned the room in the hopes that your girlfriend might have shown to support you, but again she was a no show. You were angry, but decided you weren't going to let it affect your chances of passing the test. You channeled all of your anger and frustration and used it to your advantage. You couldn't believe your luck when the examiner gave you a pat on the back and congratulated you for passing with flying colours. Excited that you had passed all you wanted to do was find Natasha and tell her. Then you remembered, she was avoiding you. You bit your lip as tears filled your eyes and now feeling deflated despite the good news you made your way back to the compound. You walked through the front door and saw everyone in what looked like a deep conversation. You said "hi guys" but received no response, everyone to engaged in their conversations to notice your arrival and greeting. That was the last straw, you hurriedly made your way to your old room wanting to be alone. As you looked the door and crawled into the bed, tears began to stream down your face and silent sobs wracked your body. That night you cried yourself to sleep, feeling rejected and alone.
You woke up the next day, initially confused by your surroundings, until you remembered why you were in your old room. You were annoyed. Annoyed that your friends and girlfriend were ignoring you and you didn't know why, and annoyed that you had let it all get to you so much. You deceived that mooing around wasn't going to help and you were also despot see if you had passed your exam and achieved your degree in psychology. You showered and got yourself dressed before heading to the shield headquarters to receive your results from Nick Fury himself.
You knocked at the door to the meeting room you had been told he would be in. "Come in" came the stern voice of Nick Fury. You opened the door and immediately were made to jump as your friends and girlfriend shouted "SURPRISE!". "What's going on?" You said in shock. Natasha was the first to speak up. "It's a party Y/N, to celebrate everything you have achieved". As Natasha was saying this Nick walked over to you and shook your hand. "Congratulations, you passed with flying colours Agent Y/L/N". Your mouth hung open at his words. You had finally done it, everything you had worked to hard for, you had achieved. Nick spoke up again and said "Avengers, you're looking at shield and the avengers new psychologist". "Thank you sir I can't wait to get started". You couldn't help the smile that covered your face as Natasha walked towards you and grabbed both of hands and brought you into a soft kiss. You blushed at her actions and then suddenly the realisation hit you. They weren't ignoring you they were planning a party, but knew you would find out if they tried to keep it from you any other way. You blushed in embarrassment, feeling silly for ever doubting them and overreacting rather than just asking. You pulled Natasha in for a hug to hide your face. "I'm so proud of you baby, I love you" whispered Natasha. "I love you to Nat, thank you for doing all this I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement". Natasha smiled at you and lead you over to the other Avengers, happy that your life was finally coming together after years of hard work.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum