Memories (Natasha)

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This is a request for Carter-96 I really hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for your support!

You could feel the familiar haze surrounding your mind as you tried to recall anything that might give you an indication of who you were or where you might be, but yet again you couldn't remember a thing, not even your own name. Eventually, your curiosity got the better of you and you had questioned the guard stationed by your door and within minutes you were being dragged down the corridor and strapped to a machine you felt like you recognised, but couldn't recall where from. You tried to struggle, but you were restrained tightly. The men around you were talking about a "wipe"and you could hear them muttering about you asking to many questions. You had no idea what was going on, but as they switched on the machine, the pain that followed as they wiped your mind clean of any memories or thoughts that weren't of your missions was excruciating. Inevitably, you could feel yourself succumbing to unconsciousness, but not before hearing the scientists muttering nervously about the Avengers.
You came around to the sound of gunfire, and before you could process what was happening, the agent in front of your started to speak. You tensed as the familiar words forced you to comply and follow any orders you were given. "боеприпасы (ammunition), наступление ночи (nightfall), тринадцать (thirteen), затмение (eclipse), злоба (malice), боль (pain), страх (fear), интеллект (intelligence), время (time), красный (red)". At the words, you felt your mind clear and your need to follow orders was all that was consumed your thoughts and you had no control over the words that left your mouth "готов подчиниться (ready to comply)". The agent covered your face with a mask before informing you, that your mission was to stop the Avengers from infiltrating the facility. You moved swiftly and with purpose as you used your powers to teleport yourself to a rooftop by the battle zone. The Avengers were not hard to spot, so with ease you dropped down in front of them. The one in the black catsuit was the first to speak "That's impossible". Another with a metal arm took a nervous step backwards before saying "winter soldier". You tilted your head curiously at the two, not understanding how they new what you were, but your thoughts quickly disappeared as your mission once again became your main priority. You used your powers again to create your favourite weapon, a powerful sword that was as strong as Vibranium and produced flames to terrify those that tried to stand against you. You moved again and without saying a word moved to fight against the Avengers. You were massively outnumbered, but that had never stopped you before and you fought intensely to complete your mission, that was until you felt your entire body seize up. You were surrounded by red mist and the panic that settled deep into your bones took your breath away. You were approached by a woman dressed in red and with the flick of her hand she removed your mask. The gasps that came from them all only furthered your confusion. The one dressed in black came up to you and the pain and shock in her voice was evident as she said "Y/N". You merely squinted at her before saying "who the hell is Y/N?" At your words the red mist seemed to get more intense and before you knew it you had slipped back into unconsciousness.
You were awoken gently by someone stroking your hair, but you tensed immediately at the contact. Your eyes sprang open in alarm, not helped by your confusion at your unfamiliar surroundings and the haze that had once again clouded your mind. As you looked frantically around the room, you realised you were once again surrounded by the red mist and the two women were stood watching you cautiously. "Who are you? Where am I?" You blurted out in your confused state. "My name is Natasha and... and I'm your sister. You're in the holding cells of the Avengers facility. We are here to help you Y/N". You frantically shook your head "that's not my name, please I don't know what's happening". Tears began to fall down your face as you lost control of your emotions. You had been holding in your emotions for so long in fear of punishment that you lost it at the mention of help and the sobs that came from you were full of pain and sorrow. Natasha took a shaky breath as she watched you fall apart. She had thought you were dead for the last 3 years and seeing you again in such a distraught state was heartbreaking. She took a nervous step towards you before saying "we are going to help you okay I promise. Wanda is here to try and help you remember and then we can help you through this". You blinked rapidly in an attempt to stop your tears, but the determined look on her face and her kind words filled you with a sense of warmth, comfort and familiarity that you hadn't experienced for as long as you could remember. You muttered a meek "okay" before Wanda smiled at you kindly and brought her hands up to your head. The red mist seemed to infiltrate every corner of your mind and very quickly made work at breaking down the barriers that prevented you from remembering your past life before your capture. The intense haze that normally surrounded your mind seemed to slowly lift and the red mist made the trigger words seem to just drift away.
As the red mist faded and your eyes refocused on the faces in front of you one name was all you could think of. You gazed up at Natasha and with frightened eyes and a shaky voice whispered "Nat". She was quick to hold you close as you began to tremble and she whispered reassuringly to you. She would say things like "it's okay I've got you" and "you're safe now". Eventually when you had calmed down she pulled away gently and said "I can't believe I have you back, Yelena is going to be so excited to see you". You seemed at a loss for words, but you couldn't seem to release your tight grip on your sister. You were still confused as your mind was still jumbled and you were trying to put back the pieces of your mind. You could feel panic begin to set in as you remembered what you had been made to do and it made you blurt out "I'm sorry, please don't send me away I'm sorry". Natasha only pulled you closer before saying "I've got you Y/N and I'm never letting you out of my sight again okay. We can get through this together I promise".
Natasha was true to her word, she supported you as you recalled more of your memories and worked with doctors and therapists to process what you had been through. The more memories you recovered, the brighter you seemed to become and eventually you were able to reunite with your other sister Yelena as well as Melina and Alexei. You had been given a second opportunity at a life you had thought you would never get and the pure joy you found in simple things was endearing to Natasha and the other Avengers. You adored your big sister and you were finally happy, and happiness was something that you had thought you would never experience ever again.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang