Picking up the pieces (Wanda)

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A/N: This is a request for mintflavoredtampon I hope it's everything you wanted!

You hadn't suspected anything and maybe that's why it hurt so much more when you realised how easily she had been lying to you. You hadn't thought anything of it when she said she was going on a recon mission but when you had walked into a restaurant with Natasha and Yelena, what greeted you was something you had never expected to see. Wanda was down on one knee in front of a woman you had never seen before. Everything moved in slow motion as the woman nodded and Wanda placed the engagement ring on her finger. Wanda then pulled her close for a kiss and that was when you felt your legs give out. You felt Yelena wrap her arm around your waist to support you, almost sensing the internal distress you were experiencing. It was like your heart was splintering into tiny pieces and the pain was excruciating. A single tear rolled down your cheek as Wanda turned in your direction. The second she saw you, the smile on her face vanished and was quickly replaced by a look of horror. Seeing her make a move to come towards you, you found your footing and ran.
You weren't sure how far you had run, but the burning in your chest and the ache in your legs told you it had been a good distance. You aimlessly walked around the city, as your heart continued to fall apart and it wasn't until someone touched your shoulder, that you seemed to come back into reality. You turned apprehensively but felt yourself relax when you saw it was Yelena. "You know, you can really move when you want to. I was beginning to think I would never find you" Yelena said as she smiled at you gently. You couldn't bring yourself to smile back so Yelena just pulled you into her arms and whispered "It's okay Y/N I've got you". At her words, you broke down and at the sound of your heart wrenching sobs Yelena felt her heart breaking for you and in her mind, she knew she would do whatever she could to help mend your broken heart.
Over the next few weeks Yelena didn't leave your side. She held you and wiped away your tears when you cried and she also did everything she possibly could to make you smile. She also kept Wanda away, ensuring she wouldn't approach you until you were ready to have that conversation with her. Eventually you began to cry less and although your heart was still broken, Yelena could see the old you returning and the more time she spent with you, the more Yelena began to realise that she was falling in love with you. The idea of falling for you like that frightened her and she felt immensely guilty because she knew you still weren't over Wanda. So Yelena buried her feelings in the hopes they would go away.
It was a couple of months later, that you finally had the courage to talk to Wanda and although you were still hurting, you would inevitably have to work with Wanda so wanted to put it behind you and move on. The conversation was much easier than you had imagined and you could see how sincere Wanda was being when she apologised so although you had not completely forgiven her, you felt ready to move on with your life.
Yelena however felt stuck, she just couldn't get you off of her mind and without realising it she pulled away from you. She would now avoid you in fear of accidentally revealing the way she felt and you were beyond confused. You tried to find an opportunity to ask her what was wrong, but you could never seem to find her. That was until you saw her walking into Natasha's office alone. You knew she used the office often to complete mission reports away from the noise of the team. You took a deep breath and as quickly as you could followed behind her and locked the door. Yelena had you pinned against the wall before you could even blink, but gasped when she realised who had taken her by surprise. You smiled nervously at her as she released her hold on you, but she didn't return the smile, she just stared at you before turning away from you to go and sit at the desk. You couldn't help the frown that appeared on your face and the harsh feeling of rejection coming from your best friend. When she still didn't acknowledge you, you timidly spoke up to try and alleviate the tension in the room. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages" you said as you chuckled nervously. Again Yelena didn't respond. "I...I don't know what I've done wrong Yelena. I don't understand why you can't seem to stand me anymore and I know I've been hard to be around with everything that's happened but I really miss you and if I can do something to make this better then please tell me". You let out a shaky breath as you finished talking expecting her to at least give you some sort of answer but the deafening silence made your heart sink. The realisation that Yelena didn't want you around anymore seemed to reopen the wounds in your heart that had only just healed and it made you feel sick. You turned away from her and muttered a solemn "sorry" as you began to walk away. What you hadn't expected as you placed your hand on the door handle, was for the way Yelena shouted "WAIT". You jumped at the sheer volume at her voice, and as you turned around to face her again Yelena you could see that she had shocked herself. She seemed to recover her emotions and stared at you intensely, seemingly trying to decide what to do next before nodding her head and saying confidently "I'm in love with you Y/N". You gasped at the confession, and your heart was beating rapidly, but you shocked yourself with what you did next. You took quick strides to close the distance between you and pulled her in for an intense kiss. Initially Yelena stood stunned, but as she registered what was happening, she gently placed her hand on your cheek and kissed you back.
When you both eventually pulled away, you took her hands in your own and said "I've loved you for a long time Yelena, I've always thought there was more between us but I respected your boundaries and then I found Wanda. Then after everything that happened, you picked up the pieces of my broken heart and put them back together. How could I not fall in love with you when you've always had my heart whether that's as a friend or more. I want to try this with you, but I want to take it slow. I'm still hurting and recovering from what happened and I want to be sure I'm ready to be with someone else before we jump into it but if you're willing to be patient, I want to try this with you if you'll have me". Yelena gazed at you lovingly before nodding her head and saying "I would wait an eternity if it meant having you by my side. So of course I will wait for you, as long as it takes". She gently kissed your lips again before pulling your towards the door. "Where are we going?" You asked her curiously. Yelena gave you smirk before saying "I think it's about time I took you on a date don't you think?". You couldn't help but smile back at her before saying "I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day".

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now