Love is for children - part 1 (Natasha)

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You could feel the ache that seemed to always be present in your chest. When you had first felt it, it became debilitating, a pain that made you feel like you couldn't breathe, but as time went on it became something you had grown used too. In your mind, you had hoped that the person causing you all this pain would realise what they had done to you and try to make things better. You were wrong to hope because as they kept telling you "love is for children".

Your relationship with Natasha had started as friends. You would go to parties together, hang out and generally have a great time. Then you had both admitted that you were attracted to each other. The admission didn't change anything initially, but after some drinks at one of Tony's parties, you ended up in bed together. You had no regrets about what had happened, but Natasha seemed annoyed. She just kept repeating "this can never happen again" before swiftly leaving your room. You were hurt by her reaction, but thought she would come around soon enough. Eventually she seemed to accept what had happened and confronted you with an offer. She had asked you to be friends with benefits, which not wanting to lose her you accepted. The only rule Natasha put in place was "no feelings involved, no strings attached, it's just for fun". At first you found this easy, but one evening it all changed. You were out to dinner with the Avengers, you were sat across from Natasha, and Clint had said something to make her laugh. As you watched her throw her head back laughing your stomach did somersaults. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach and the way your heart rate increased. This also caused you to panic as the realisation set in. You had fallen in love with Natasha.
You had hurriedly excused yourself from the table to use the bathroom. You locked yourself in a cubicle and tried to calm yourself down because you knew that one way or another you were going to end up hurt.
When you eventually returned to the table, Tony informed you that everyone was going to go out. You decided that you needed to clear your head so decided to head home. Wanda placed her hand on your shoulder and said she would go with you. As you walked into the compound Wanda said "I know how you feel about her Y/N. Your thoughts at the restaurant were very loud". Your face flushed bright red, feeling embarrassed at being caught. "You can't say anything Wanda, she wont want to be my friend anymore if she finds out" you blurted out as tears pooled in your eyes. Wanda lead you over to the sofas and brought you in for a hug. "You have my word, I won't say a thing, but I can see how much it's hurting you. Have you thought that maybe she feels the same way?" Wanda questioned. You shook your head and went to answer her when the door to the compound swung open to reveal Natasha and a random girl. They didn't even notice you and Wanda as they kissed in the doorway. It was as if you could feel your heart snap in two at the sight. Tears were freely flowing down your face as Wanda awkwardly cleared her throat. The two women separated at the noise and all Natasha could do was mumble a quick "sorry" before dragging the woman to her room. "I'm so sorry Y/N" Wanda said in an effort to console you. "Yeah me too" you whispered feeling like your heart had been torn to pieces.
You tried your best to act like everything was fine when in all honesty, you were falling apart. Natasha would come home with a new woman every night and was now actively avoiding you. Everyday it was like she was taking a piece of your heart and crushing it with her bare hands, until one day you had to tell her the truth. Natasha was stood in the kitchen talking to Wanda and demanding to know what was wrong with you. Walking into the kitchen, you sighed. You were so broken and so tired that you needed to get how you were feeling off of your chest. Natasha turned to face you as she heard you sigh and crossed her arms. Wanda quickly left the room leaving you stood alone with Natasha. You felt so small as she stared at you, waiting for you to speak. When you just nervously played with the rings on your fingers she spoke. "What's up with you Y/N? We used to be so close and now you can't even stand to be in the same room as me". You took a deep breathe and whispered "you broke my heart Natasha". A piercing silence filled the room until she scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous Y/N we weren't even together". At her dismissive tone, you couldn't help the hurt look that showed on your face. "That's why I didn't say anything, because love is for children right? Well I'm sorry Natasha but I'm in love with you. I have been for a while now and watching you bring home a different woman every night has torn me apart. If I'm honest I wish I hadn't fallen for you because It feels like my heart has been torn to pieces and I don't think anybody will be able to put it back together again". Natasha just stared at you speechless. "You know the funny thing is, it didn't matter how many times you brought someone new home, deep down I really thought you would prove me wrong and that you might actually like me back. But I guess that makes me fool right? A stupid lovesick fool pining over someone she can't have". Natasha wouldn't look at you as she replied and you swallowed the lump in your throat, knowing what she was about to say. "I'm sorry Y/N but I told you no feelings and no strings attached and I meant that. You're my friend but nothing more. I know I've hurt you and I am truly sorry I did that but I'm not in love with you". You took a shaky breath and nodded. Hearing her say the words made it so real and it was like someone had stuck a knife in your heart and was twisting it. Before she could say anymore you turned around and quickly made your way to your room not wanting to hear anything else she had to say. You locked your door behind you, finally releasing the tears you had kept bottled up. You didn't want her to see you cry because she had well and truly broken your heart and you had no idea if you would ever fully recover.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now