What about me? (Natasha)

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You sat in the armchair in the lounge of the avengers compound reading while everyone was busy, giving you a rare moment of peace and quiet. You were waiting for your girlfriend Natasha to finish up her mission reports and then you were going on a date. Well that's what the plan was. You looked at the clock on the wall to see it was quickly approaching 6:30pm so you decided to get ready and then go and find Nat. You took a shower before putting on a summer dress that you knew Natasha loved. You lightly applied your makeup and put your hair in a French plait. You grabbed your bag and excitedly went to go and find Natasha. As you walked around the compound you asked F.R.I.D.A.Y "hey F.R.I.D.A.Y where is Natasha?". The AI quickly responded with "Miss Romanoff is in the laboratory with Dr. Banner". "Great thanks" you said spinning round and heading straight to the lab. As you approached the door you could hear her laughing with Bruce. You walked through quickly, eager to take her on the date you had planned. Natasha smiled at you as you got close to her and you said "sorry to interrupt but are you ready to babe?". Natasha looked at you with an apologetic smile and said "I'm really sorry Y/N but I've arranged to go to dinner with Bruce, I hope you don't mind but we can rearrange right?". You smiled in an attempt to hide your disappointment and said "y..yeah no worries I guess I will see you later then have fun". With that Natasha kissed your cheek saying "thanks babe" and lead Bruce out of the lab leaving you alone. You couldn't help the pangs of jealousy that you felt as this wasn't the first time she had cancelled plans with you to hang out with someone else. It had been weeks since your last date and you were starting to feel unimportant and forgotten. You didn't think Natasha was doing it intentionally but that didn't mean it hurt any less. You decided to go to the kitchen to get a cup of tea before inevitably going back to your room alone. As you were boiling the water for the tea, Wanda and Steve walked in. Wanda looked at you confused by your presence in the compound knowing she had helped you plan the date. "Y/N why are you still here don't you have a date with Nat?". You laughed sarcastically "she bailed on me again". Through the sarcasm you were trying to hold back the tears, not wanting to show anyone how upset you really were about being overlooked. Steve came and put his arm around you while giving you a reassuring smile while Wanda said "well how about we have a movie night instead, we can make the tea and take snacks back to my room?". You smiled at Wanda and said "that would be great actually it's much better then spending my evening alone plus it's been ages since I got to do a movie night with my best friend". Wanda clapped excitedly before using her magic to grab all of the snacks and finish off the tea. After eating your body weight in doughnuts, chocolate and popcorn, you and Wanda decided to just talk and catch up. You avoided bringing up Nat as much as you could but Wanda knew you would need to talk about it as you weren't good at dealing with your emotions. Eventually after sitting in a comfortable silence, she watched you check your phone only to put it down and turn around to Wanda with a fake smile. Wanda took your hand and said "what's wrong Y/N?". You sighed knowing nothing ever got past your best friend. "It's Nat, I..I just feel like she never has time for me anymore, and when we do agree to spend time together she blows me off to go out with someone else. She doesn't even look guilty about cancelling the plans anymore and I get she finds it hard to say no to everyone but what about me? I just want my girlfriend back Wanda". By now tears were freely flowing down your face as you let your feelings overwhelm you. Wanda pulled you in for a hug, running her fingers through your hair to comfort you. Wanda knew this was something that was really bothering you because you were never normally this emotionally vulnerable. Eventually, you fell asleep in Wanda's arms and Wanda didn't dare move you, knowing that sleep would make you feel better even if it was just a little bit. Wanda was reading a book as you slept, wanting to stay awake for when Natasha eventually came to find you. After a couple of hours, their was a gentle knock at the door and Natasha stood in the doorway relief flooding her face when her eyes found you sound asleep on the bed. Wanda gently moved off of the bed and marched over to Natasha anger clear on her face. Natasha looked at Wanda confused as to why the Sokovian looked so annoyed. Wanda moved Natasha out into the corridor as Natasha said "Wanda what's the matter?". Wanda shook her head and glared at the Russian stood in front of her. "You know for a spy Nat you haven't been very observant. I need to show you something okay and then I'm going to let you work out what the problem is". Natasha nodded as Wanda brought her hands up to Natasha's face. She showed her your conversation before you had fallen asleep, and then she showed her your memories, of all the times Natasha had cancelled on you or refused to spend time with you for work. As the images faded, Natasha brought her hand up to cover to mouth as tear threatened to fall down her face. "Wanda I'm so sorry I had no idea that's how I made her feel. I didn't do it intentionally but god I'm such an idiot I need to fix this. I love her and I need to make sure she knows she is going to be my number one priority from now on". Wanda nodded and said "okay so what's the plan?". Natasha and Wanda discussed their plan letting you sleep for the surprise in the morning.
You woke up the next morning confused as to where you were initially, until you remembered your night with Wanda. Wanda was nowhere to be found so you assumed she had either gone to the kitchen or would be sat in the lounge. You felt the same sadness settle in your chest as you thought of how you probably wouldn't see your girlfriend at all today as she was scheduled to be at work. You made your way back to your room only to find a note on your bed. The note read "there is a special surprise for you waiting in the lounge, get yourself ready and wear something nice". The note was written in Wanda's hand writing so you guessed she had planned a day for you both to try and cheer you up. You had a shower and got yourself ready before making your way to the lounge. In there you found a trail of petals leading all the way out to the gardens of the compound. You followed them confused but also curious until you reached a table set up for what looked like a breakfast date.
Without you realising it Natasha had snuck up behind you. She carefully put her arms around your waist to hug you. Initially your body tensed at the sudden contact, but the second you recognised the scent of her vanilla perfume you relaxed under her touch. You wanted to say something to let her know how you were feeling but didn't want to spoil the moment especially because of how long it had been since you had spent any real time with her. Natasha could sense that you were beginning to over think things, so she span you around and held your hands. "I'm so sorry Y/N I hadn't even realised how much I had upset you. I love you so much and I don't ever want you to feel neglected again. Wanda told me how upset you were last night and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it up to you". You smiled at her and pulled her into a hug before looking up at her. "I love you too and I know how important your friends and work are to you it's why I didn't say anything, but I just want to spend more time with you because I hardly see you anymore but you're here now and I forgive you" you said while looking at her emerald eyes. Natasha leaned down to kiss you lovingly. When she pulled away she said "I'm going to do whatever it takes to make this up to you I promise". Natasha then lead you over to the table to have the date she had missed the night before and in that moment you saw the Natasha that you loved and you knew she wouldn't break her promise to you.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now