Let me in (Wanda)

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All of the Avengers were away on missions and you had stayed behind because you had been injured on your last mission. You were happily sat reading your favourite book in the library, when you got the call. The call to tell you there had been an accident. A drunk driver had gone straight through a red light into your parents car. They were gone, killed instantly in the crash but the police had to follow protocol and needed you to identify the bodies. You informed the officer you would be there as soon as possible feeling an uncomfortable numbness settling over your body. You wanted to ask someone to come with you, but you knew everyone was too far away so reluctantly you made your way to the station. Time seemed to pass in a blur when you got there and before you knew it, you were parked back at the compound. You absentmindedly made your way back to your room, the news not really sinking in. It was like your whole body had gone into shock and didn't know how to process what had happened. All you knew was that when you had seen the cold lifeless bodies of your parents, something inside of you felt like it had switched off, like all of the light and happiness in your life had suddenly vanished and you were now being suffocated by the darkness, cold and sadness. You didn't know how long you had been lead in your bed for, but you didn't care you just wanted everything to stop.
When the Avengers returned a few days later, they were shocked to see you weren't there to greet them as normal. They were also shocked by how quiet it was, normally they would be able to hear you softly singing along to the radio or hear the sounds of you laughing along to your favourite movies. Out of all the Avengers, Wanda was the most concerned. She had never known her girlfriend to not excitedly greet them when returning from a mission, but she could feel an aura of sadness and grief radiating from somewhere near by. Wanda spoke up first and said "somethings wrong, J.A.R.V.I.S where is Y/N?". "Miss Y/L/N is in her room Miss Maximoff, I regret to inform you but she has not left her room for a few days, I believe this has been caused by emotional distress". Wanda was racking her brain to try and think of what could have happened to cause you to lock yourself away before J.A.R.V.I.S spoke again. "My records show that Miss Y/L/N received a phone call from the police, it looks as though her parents were in an accident and she was called upon to identify the bodies". All of the Avengers gasped, before an uncomfortable silence surrounded them. They all knew how much you loved you parents and couldn't believe that you were alone when you had received the news. Steve turned to look at Wanda and said "I think it's best if you go, out of everyone she will want to see you the most". Wanda nodded, her throat going dry as she made her way to your room. The closer she got the more she could feel your emotions and it made her feel sad for you. As she stood outside your door she took a deep breath before knocking softly. When she received no reply she tried again only this time she said "Y/N baby it's Wanda, I know what happened I'm so sorry can you let me in, I need to know you're okay". Again she received no reply so decided to take matters into her own hands. She used her magic to swiftly unlock your door before softly pushing it open and making her way inside. What she saw as her eyes landed on you broke her heart. You were huddled under your duvet, with a blank expression on your face. Wanda knew that you had probably emotionally shut down, a response she knew you had when things overwhelmed you. She knew that talking would also not help so she did the only thing she knew she could. She climbed into your bed and with red wisps dancing around her hand she touched your head using her powers to see what had happened. Seeing how emotionally disconnected you were, Wanda used her powers to break you out of your numbing daze. As Wanda withdrew, you blinked rapidly, the pain of what had happened consuming you making it hard to breathe. Realising what was happening, Wanda pulled you into her, right as a loud sob escaped your lips.
That's how you stayed, with her comforting you in her arms as you cried, finally letting out the grief and pain that came with losing people you love. After crying for hours, sleep took over and for the first time in days you slept. When you woke up, Wanda was still their ready to support you in anyway you needed. She helped you shower and put on fresh clothes, she helped you eat and drink, and she helped you grieve. The funeral was just as hard, you clung to her arm, fearing that if you let go, you would lose her too, but Wanda was nothing but patient and loving, supporting you through all of the stages of grief. You were thankful that you had her and the Avengers supporting you because it meant you didn't lose yourself. With their help, everyday became less and less unbearable until you felt more like yourself. You had started listening to music again and had even been able to look at photos of your parents without bursting into tears. You had never handled emotional trauma well but Wanda made everything so much easier and it was one of the many things you loved about her. It's how you knew she was your person and that you would spend an eternity loving her. You had never felt more broken, but she had put you lovingly back together and you would forever be grateful for having her come into your life.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now