Dream come true (Wanda)

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You had been spending the weekend with Clint, Laura and the kids when a sudden wave of nausea had struck you and made you rush to the bathroom. Laura had come to check on you immediately and once you had recovered, she handed you a glass of water. You initially brushed it off as possibly eating something that disagreed with you, until Nathanial crawled up to Laura and put his arms up to be held by his mother. The realisation dawned on you and you had to sit down to really comprehend, what the sickness could mean. It was as if Laura could read your mind, because in the blink of an eye she had taken Nathanial to Clint, gone into her room and had returned locking the door behind her. She crouched in front of you had gently placed what she had retrieved from her room in your hands. She gave you a reassuring smile before helping you up and leading you into bathroom. When she had gone back into the bedroom, you released a shaky breathe before opening the box to a pregnancy test. Once you had taken the test you left it on the sink and went to wait with Laura. You could feel the nervous energy building up inside of you as you paced around your room, but it wasn't a bad nervous, it was the kind of nerves that stem from excitement and hope. The kind of excitement and hope that you and Wanda had been holding onto for weeks, ever since your IVF appointment. You were so deep in thought, that before you knew it, time was up and you could look at the results on your test. As you picked it up, it was like time had come to a complete stop. Tears gathered in your eyes as you looked at the result and with a joyful smile you showed Laura the result - Positive.
It was three weeks later that you had prepared to tell Wanda. You were 12 weeks pregnant and with Wanda's birthday party coming up you wanted to give her the best surprise you could think of. So in a box, you wrapped up a baby grow with baby Maximoff written on it, a pair of newborn socks and the positive pregnancy test. You were going to present it to Wanda during your toast and you hoped that it would symbolise the beginning of this new and exciting chapter in your lives. It had been difficult keeping the secret from Wanda, especially with your morning sickness, but with Laura's help you had convinced her that it was just a bad case of food poisoning.
As the party got into full swing, you watched Wanda as she greeted all of her guests. She was practically glowing and you couldn't believe how lucky you were to be with someone so incredible. Natasha walked up and sat beside you before smirking and saying "if you're not careful Y/N you will start to drool". You laugh at her comment before turning to Natasha and saying "no more than you drill for Maria". Natasha's face went bright red at your quick comeback, but she laughed as the banter flowed easily between you and your friend. After chatting for a while, Natasha looked at you seriously before saying "I'm really happy you and Wanda have each other Y/N", before you could answer, she leaned in close and whispered "and pregnancy looks good on you". You opened your mouth wide as Natasha just grinned at you. You thought you had done a great job at hiding it, but then again Natasha is a trained spy. She pulled you into a hug and as you pulled away she tapped her glass to start the toasts, already knowing what your plan was.
You nervously bounced your leg up and down as slowly but surely Wanda's closest friends and family made their speeches before eventually it was your turn. You took Wanda's hand and lead her up to the stage and sat her down on the chair Laura had placed for your plan. With a deep breath you turned to everyone and said "thank you so much to everyone for coming tonight to celebrate Wanda. She is the most incredible person I think I've ever met and I honestly can't believe how lucky I am to call you mine. I want you all to know how much I cherish and love Wanda and seeing her to happy makes me happy. So I want everyone that raise a glass to the incredible Wanda who makes everyday brighter". Everyone cheered and raised their drinks and cheered before allowing you to continue. Wanda looked at you with the biggest smile and you felt like you could burst with excitement. "Wanda I know you think I have you all of your gifts this morning, but there is actually one more present I need to give you". Laura handed you the wrapped box and you encouraged Wanda to take it before saying "go ahead open it". Wanda carefully removed the wrapping paper and removed the lid from the box and as the contents were revealed she gasped and with tears in her eyes whispered "it worked... we're having a baby?". You nodded and smiled at her before she leapt up and hugged you, spinning you around out of pure joy". When she put you down Wanda turned to everyone with the most joyful smile and shouting "we're having a baby!". The room erupted into applause and before you could breath people were hugging and congratulating you both. This continued for the remainder of the party and it only made the fact you were having a baby even more real.
Eventually, when the party had wound down and you and Wanda had collapsed on your bed, tired but excited, Wanda kissed you lovingly on the lips before working her way down to your stomach. She kissed you so gently that it made your heart flutter, before she whispered "hi, I'm your mama, me and your mummy can't wait to meet you. We love you so much already and you're going to have the biggest family to love and cherish you". Wanda's words brought tears to your eyes, and you knew that having this baby with Wanda was one of the most incredible things you could do. Now all you had to do was wait to meet the perfect boy or girl that would become yours and Wanda's world.

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now