Missing you (Natasha)

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You and Natasha had met when you had joined the Avengers to assist Tony and Bruce in their lab. It didn't take long for the two of you to hit it off and eventually start dating. You had known that Natasha's work was important when you had first started dating. It had been something that had never particularly bothered you, but after a few months things began to change. Natasha seemed to be home at the compound less and less and whenever she was home, she was exhausted, bruised, battered and extremely irritated. She would either collapse into bed or lock herself away in her office. You couldn't remember the last time she had spent more than 5 minutes with you and you were feeling neglected and that was making you feel sad. You knew it wasn't her fault, Fury had been giving her an increasing stream of missions and when she wasn't on a mission she was overseeing new recruits or mission reports.  You would never blame Natasha for doing something she loved so your anger was directed at Fury. The final straw for you, was when Natasha had informed you sadly that after a recon mission, she would be going on a six month undercover operation and she wouldn't be able to have any contact with you. Before you could respond, she was called onto the jet, so with a quick kiss and small wave she was gone. You could feel your blood begin to boil as you furiously made your way to Fury's office. You didn't even knock as you barged your way into the room. Fury had his chair turned away from the door and he spoke calmly as you stood seething. "Y/L/N what brings you to my office?". You took a deep breath to try and keep your cool before saying "I'm going to ask you this once Nick and I need you to listen carefully because if you don't then so help me god I won't be able to keep my cool". He turned around at the hostile tone of your voice and he looked at you dead in the eye before saying "you have my full attention Y/N". "Please can you give Natasha a break? I'm asking you this because I'm worried about her, she is burning herself out but she won't say no to you no matter what you ask of her". You had remained calm but as Nick shook his head before saying "I can't do that" you lost your cool. You marched around the desk and aggressively pointed your finger into his chest and seethed "I'm not going to accept that Nick, she is going to end up in the hospital and it will be all your fault. Now I'm going to give you one chance to sort out this mess or I'm telling Natasha about you bugging the compound last year". Nicks eye went wide at the thought of Natasha finding out. He knew that her wrath would be much worse that yours and if he was honest he was terrified of Natasha when she had an issue with someone. Nick held up his hands defensively and said "okay okay I will give her some time off, I'm sure Steve won't mind taking Natasha's place. Remind me not to annoy you again and I'm guessing you would like to break the news to her right". You couldn't help the broad smile that appeared on your face and you graced him with a sweet "yes please, thanks Nick I knew I could count on you". You pretty much skipped out of the office feeling pleased with yourself, before asking Friday when Natasha was due back. Friday informed you that she would return in around three hours so you got to work setting up the surprises you had planned.
When Natasha returned, she couldn't help but feel disheartened that you weren't there waiting for her. So she sluggishly made her way back to her room to hopefully get some much needed rest. She finally made it back to her room and as she opened the door she gasped at the sight in front of her. Rose petals were scattered in trail leading into the bathroom, and her room had been transformed into the cosiest looking fort Natasha had ever seen. There were fairy lights draped around to create a relaxing feel to the room and there you were stood before her holding out a bunch of flowers and holding a box filled with all of her favourite snacks. "What's all this" Natasha whispered as she took in everything with a look of awe. "I know how hard you've been working Nat and I wanted to show you how much you mean to me. I spoke to Fury and he is going to give you some time off. I hope you don't mind" you said nervously, suddenly doubting yourself. That was until you saw the smile on Natasha's face. "No one has ever done anything this thoughtful for me before Y/N. It's perfect thank you and honestly I think a break is just what I need. I've missed you" she said thoughtfully before encouraging you to empty your hands so she could bring you in for a soft kiss. When you pulled apart, you lead her over to the bathroom and said "I've run you a bath, so if you get in and relax, I will set up a movie and order us a pizza". Natasha nodded and pecked your lips again before disappearing into the bathroom.
When she reappeared, you felt like your heart might explode. Natasha was wearing a pair of sleep shorts and one of your shirts and you couldn't help but think she had never looked more beautiful. You made sure to tell her your thoughts and the blush that graced her features  filled your stomach with butterflies. You lead her into the fort before going to grab the pizza that had arrived. Then you climbed into Natasha's embrace as you watched Natasha's favourite movie Moonraker. After eating, it didn't take long for Natasha to fall asleep, the exhaustion of her work finally catching up to her. You didn't move as she slept, wanting to hold her close and cherish the time you had together.
When you would look back at that moment years later, you had realised that was the exact moment you had fallen in love with her and you would most definitely use the same date idea as a way to ask Natasha to marry you.

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