You're not him - part 2 (Wanda)

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This is a request for zauzzyhornini I hope you enjoy it! I'm so sorry it took so long, I've had some major writers block.

Wanda had abandoned you, and you had never felt more alone then in that moment as you walked towards the outskirts of Westview

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Wanda had abandoned you, and you had never felt more alone then in that moment as you walked towards the outskirts of Westview. You weren't sure where you were suppose to go or what you were supposed to do, so you tiredly sat yourself down underneath a cherry blossom tree. Everything felt hazy as you watched an unknown woman approach you and before you could even begin to question who she was everything went dark and you passed out.
When you groggily began to come round, you were greeted again with the sight of the mysterious woman. She greeted you with a curious smile before saying "well it's about time, I was beginning to think you wouldn't ever come round". You blinked rapidly as you attempted to get your bearings. It didn't take long before you realised you were in a basement of some kind and the first words out of your mouth were "where the hell am I and who the hell are you?". The mysterious woman chuckled before saying "you're in my house sweetheart and my name is Agatha, Agatha Harkness". You had no idea who she was, but you couldn't help but be flustered by her presence. She exuded confidence and you couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was. She held out her hand to you and you cautiously took it as she helped pull you to your feet. As you stood up, you couldn't help but feel lightheaded and as you stumbled, she caught you in her arms and you immediately blushed. Initially you felt embarrassed, but after the initial shock, you couldn't do anything but focus on her arms around you and that's when the guilt kicked in. You knew you still loved Wanda and the thought of thinking of someone else in the same way made you feel sick. On the other hand, Wanda had made it clear she didn't want you so why should you feel bad when she broke your heart. You went to move away from her, but her grip around you tightened "what's the matter sweetheart, do I make you nervous?". You were flustered and at a loss for words, so Agatha continued "Good that's going to make this nice and easy". Suddenly your eyes became clouded with a purple mist and your mind felt fuzzy. Your thoughts became consumed with Agatha and any free will you might have had disappeared. You were completely under her control.
Over the next few weeks, Agatha sent you to work. You would mindlessly monitor the situation within the hex, reporting back to Agatha so that she could intervene as she saw fit. Internally you were fighting a battle, the power she had over you was strong, but your own mind was screaming at you, desperately trying to gain back control of your body. Agatha has informed you of her plan and no matter how much Wanda had hurt you, you wouldn't let Agatha do anything to harm her. What Agatha didn't know, was that your shielding abilities had protected you enough to keep your mind intact. You were still in there and were biding your time until you could free yourself of her control and stop Agatha.
Eventually, the time came. Agatha had taken Wanda's children and was confronting her with them. When she got bored and let them go she laughed menacingly at Wanda before saying "you didn't think that was all I took did you Wanda?". Wanda looked confused, before Agatha revealed you to her. The look of pain and horror on Wanda's face made your heart ache, but you knew you had to keep your cool. Agatha ordered you to protect her with your shields as she fought Wanda, so you did as you were told. That was until Agatha brought you up to fight Wanda in the sky. You could see Wanda losing, and you knew you had to intervene. So you used your powers to finally push Agatha out of your mind and free yourself to do what you had been planning. You knew you were lucky that the flying charm Agatha had placed on you hadn't stopped, but that was a risk you had been willing to take to save the woman you loved. As the purple mist that clouded your mind disappeared, you pulled back the shield that was protecting Agatha and as Agatha's attention was drawn to you, Wanda took the opportunity to try and gain control. She fired her magic at Agatha, but the witch just seemed to absorb Wanda's power. You could see the look of panic on Wanda's face and in that moment you knew you had to protect her. As Agatha fired a powerful ball of energy at her, you threw yourself in between the women and used your power to try and deflect the attack, but your shielding abilities could only protect you so much and the blast sent you flying down to the ground.
You were injured, you could gather that from the intense pain you could feel covering your entire body. As well as that, everything was hazy as you tried to remain conscious to see what was going on. You could see symbols on the red dome surrounding Westview, before Wanda seemed to absorb the red energy from around her. It was a sight to behold, as you watched Wanda take control of the fight and realise just how powerful she could be. Wanda was bringing herself and Agatha down from the sky as you finally gave in to the pain and slowly succumbed to unconsciousness.
You could feel a soft breeze hitting your face as you came around, but it was the whistling of a kettle that caused your eyes to flutter open. As you looked around what seemed to be a small cabin, you caught sight of the familiar Sokovian  walking from the front porch and into the kitchen to pour two mugs of tea. You groaned as you attempted to sit yourself up off of the sofa, but you were quickly pushed back down by the red mist of Wanda's magic. "You need to rest Y/N, you fell pretty harshly and your ribs won't get any better if you don't stay still" Wanda said while sitting in a chair next to you. She handed you a mug of tea before sighing and saying "I'm sorry I dragged you into this  Y/N, I shouldn't have done what I did to you and I shouldn't have said those awful things to you. I was cruel and I know I hurt you, but we are going to be stuck together for a while. S.W.O.R.D are saying you helped me in Westview so we are both wanted now. I'm so sorry I did this to you, you must hate me". Wanda had tears freely flowing down her face as she told you what was happening and without thinking, you did what you had always done. You sat up despite her protests and pulled her into your embrace. She had hurt you deeply, and you knew you should have been angry at her, but you also knew how much the grief of losing Pietro, Vision, Tony and Natasha had affected her. That's why you wanted to console her and as you calmed her down you whispered "I'm not saying I forgive you Wanda, and we will need to have a serious conversation about everything that's happened, but I don't hate you. In fact despite everything I'm pretty sure I'm still in love with you, but I'm mature enough to understand that you don't feel that way about me. If we are going to be stuck here then we need to be able to get along and I'm willing to put my feelings to the side for the sake of our friendship". You took a deep breathe as you finished talking and as you made eye contact with Wanda she whispered "I lied to you". You frowned at Wanda before responding with "I don't understand". Wanda gently placed her hand on your cheek before resting her forehead against yours. She took a shaky breathe before saying "When I told you I didn't want you, I was lying. I didn't want to drag you into the mess I had created. I know what I created there wasn't real but I was just desperate to stop feeling the pain of losing everyone. What I should have been doing was finding relief and happiness from the one source of love I still had, you. I still love you Y/N, I never stopped".
You were lost for words, so Wanda did the only thing she could think of to show you she meant what she was saying. She brought her lips to yours in a desperate kiss and after the initial shock you couldn't help but kiss her back. When you pulled away Wanda gave you a sheepish smile before saying "So Y/N can we start over?". You couldn't help but smile back at her as you responded with "I didn't stop loving you either Wanda, but we need to start completely from scratch if this is going to work. I need to know I can trust you and I need to heal because you hurt me in the worst way possible and I can't just forgive you. But I'm willing to try and work past this with time". Wanda nodded her head at your words and took your hands before saying "we can get through this Y/N, we can get through anything as long as we're together".

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя