Begin again (Natasha)

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A/N: This is roughly based off of the song Begin again by Taylor Swift


You were very cautious when it came to relationships. You had previously been in an emotionally abusive relationship and had spent the last 8 months getting your life back together. You had been actively avoiding dating and were just focusing on yourself. That was until you went to a Tony Stark party. You weren't sure what had made you want to go but you had a good feeling about the party.

When you arrived you headed straight for the bar and took a seat. You were wearing a simple black dress with your favourite heels. Something you hadn't done for a long time because your ex didn't like you wearing heels. You were scanning the large crowds of people and bobbing your head along to the music when someone lightly tapped you on the shoulder. You turned your head to be greeted with the sight of a beautiful red head behind the bar. She gave you a dazzling smile and said "so what does a beautiful woman like you want to drink?". You could feel yourself blushing at the complement and smiled back at her nervously. "A Cosmo please" you said softly. She spun around quickly and began preparing your drink. Once she had finished she presented you with your drink and winked at you as she went to serve someone else.
You subtly watched her behind the bar contemplating if you were brave enough to ask her out but inevitably you chickened out, the self doubt creeping it's was back into your system. You shook it off and decided it was probably best if you went home. You got up and picked up your jacket and phone, when she again approached you. "Going so soon? I was hoping to get to know you a little better" She asked sounding disappointed. You blinked rapidly, before sitting back down and responding with "Well I don't think I could say no to that. I'm Y/N by the way". She gave you another breath taking smile before saying "I'm Natasha, it's nice to meet you Y/N".
You spent the remainder of the party talking to Natasha about anything and everything you could think off. By the time the party had finished you felt like you had known Natasha for a long time. When you realised how late it was you reluctantly had to make your way home. Before you left Natasha grabbed your hands and said "would you like to go on a date with me? I know a great cafe not far from here that I would love to take you too". You smiled sheepishly at her and without hesitation said "I would love too, I'm free on Wednesday if that works for you?". Natasha nodded and said "Wednesday it is, I will text you the address". You exchanged phone numbers and before she left Natasha kissed you on the cheek and disappeared to help clean up from the party. That night you finally felt like you were ready to try and move on.
Wednesday came quickly and to say you were nervous was an understatement. You were apprehensive as you pulled up by the cafe but your nerves were quickly settled as you realised she had arrived early and was waving at you from outside the cafe. You approached Natasha and she greeted you with a hug. She took your hand and led you into the cafe. You found a table and to your surprise Natasha pulled out your chair and helped you in. A feeling of warmth spread throughout your body at how nice it was to be treated this way by someone. You and Natasha talked about your lives and you finally felt as though someone was really interested in what you had to say. She would laugh freely when you told a joke and it was then that you realised that this is how it felt to be truly appreciated by someone. After your date Natasha insisted that she walked you to your car. She held your hand and you were about to bring up what had happened with your ex when she started talking about all of the movies she watches with her friends and family at the Avengers compound and for the first time in a long time she made you feel like you didn't need to bring it up. You had gotten so used to love breaking, burning and ending, but on a Wednesday in a cafe you had watched it begin again. Natasha looked at you in such a kind and loving way that before you knew it, you had leaned in to kiss her. She softly reciprocated the kiss and when you pulled away she brought you into her embrace. You stood hugging like that for what felt like forever until you looked up at her and said "Thank you for today I've had the best time". Natasha smiled widely at you and again leant down to kiss you. She made you feel safe and it was in the moment you knew that you had a chance to be with someone who liked you for you treated you in a way no one ever had before. You had finally found your person.

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