Troubled mind (Wanda)

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This is a request for maddyromanoff I hope you like it!

Your anxiety had always been something you had struggled with. Caused by the judgemental and cruel treatment you received from your peers at school and the extremely high standards your parents had always set for you. You could control it to a certain extent, but there were days when everything seemed to just overwhelm you and you would often feel the tell tale signs of an oncoming anxiety attack. They were the easiest to manage and you could deal with those alone. Your panic attacks were the worst. They happened unexpectedly and were often triggered by stressful emotional situations. That's where Natasha came in, you had been best friends from the moment you had joined S.H.I.E.L.D to assist with the development of new technologies. She had seen first hand how severe your anxiety could be and was quick to discover that she was one of very few people that could calm you down and help you either stop or ride out the attacks. You trusted her with everything you had and she understood that your anxiety was often something you felt embarrassed about, so supported you fully without telling everyone what was going on. You're knowledge and skill set had given you the opportunity to work alongside Tony and Bruce in the labs of the Avengers compound and you had very swiftly become an integral part of the team. Tony had even built you your own armour and he became another important person to you. He quietly approached you to tell you he understood your struggle with anxiety and encouraged you to talk to him whenever you needed. He also gave you the push you needed to start helping more on mission's which you found really rewarding.
You had become comfortable when you first met Wanda. She had nervously entered the compound looking lost and deeply sad, so you approached her warmly and offered to show her around. From that point on you had become inseparable and you could safely say that you had fallen in love with the Sokovian. You couldn't believe your luck when she admitted that she felt the same way and you had never felt happier. The only problem was, you had yet to tell Wanda about your anxiety. You didn't want to worry her and you were also afraid that it might change the way she saw you. This was fine for a while, until you had needed Natasha's support when you had a bad day. This was happening more and more frequently and Wanda could feel the jealously coursing through her until one day, when you were sat with her in her room she snapped. You had brought up something funny that Natasha had told you and Wanda just glared at you. You could feel the anger radiating from her and it made you feel nervous so out of habit you began to fiddle with the rings on your fingers . "What's wrong Wanda?" You asked cautiously. She laughed bitterly and said "you know if you would rather be with Natasha Y/N then just go". You looked at her, at a lose for words before saying "What do you mean? She's my best friend Wanda, I love you and it's you I want to be with". Wanda just scoffed at you before beginning to accuse you of cheating on her. At her words, you could feel yourself begin to panic and in an instant it was like the room was spinning. You couldn't seem to catch your breath as your chest would rise and fall rapidly and you fell back against the wall and slid slowly to the floor as you struggled to control your breathing. Wanda couldn't help but stand in shock at what was happening to you and her first instinct was to try and pull you into her embrace to comfort you, but you were quick to push her away, feeling claustrophobic as she got to close. Tears were now streaming down you face and you could feel yourself becoming lightheaded as your breathing got worse. Wanda was at a loss and had no idea what to do, she had never seen you so vulnerable before and she was scared that you would pass out if she didn't do something soon, so she asked J.A.R.V.I.S to get the one person she knew would help.
Natasha was in the room almost instantly and reassured Wanda that she could help. Wanda nodded and took a shaky breath as she stepped away from you and Natasha. She watched as Natasha crouched down to your level, but at a distance to give you space. Natasha then calmly and slowly took deep breaths and encouraged you to follow. Once you had followed Natasha's breathing and had calmed a little and your breathing wasn't so erratic, she asked you to name three items you could see, then two things you could hear and then someone you loved. Wanda smiled sadly when you said her name and she couldn't help but feel immensely guilty for causing you to have a panic attack. Wanda then watched as you launched yourself at Natasha and silently cried into her shoulder as she held you. Eventually, with Natasha holding you and the exhaustion of the attack taking over, you fell asleep. Natasha was quick to put you into bed before gently guiding Wanda to leave the room and sit with her in the lounge. Natasha made Wanda tea, and then began to explain what had happened. Wanda listened carefully before explaining what had caused the panic attack. Natasha smiled at Wanda sympathetically and reassured her that you were like a sister to her and nothing more. With that Natasha encouraged Wanda to talk to you properly about your anxiety and to sort things out, so Wanda made her way back to your room to make sure you were okay. When Wanda returned, her heart broke at the sight of you. You were curled up in the blankets silently crying to yourself, so Wanda gently climbed under the covers with you and held you close to comfort you. Eventually your tears stopped and you whispered a sad "I'm sorry" to Wanda. Wanda gently encouraged you to face her before saying "you have nothing to be sorry for Y/N I shouldn't have accused you of being with Nat. It was immature and just mean of me to accuse you of something like that. I should have talked to you like an adult rather than letting my jealously take over. I'm sorry I upset you and I'm sorry I'm the reason you had a panic attack". You let out a soft sigh as she apologised to you and Wanda could feel your body relax against hers as you realised Wanda wasn't mad anymore. You held Wanda tightly, squeezing her to let her know you understood and kissing the back of her hand to show her you forgave her. "I've had bad anxiety since I was a kid, my parents always had such high expectations of me and the other kids were cruel. I used to have anxiety attacks but I'm able to prevent those but my panic attacks are something I've never been able to control. Nat was the first person to notice and she has always just been able to calm me down. I know I should have told you because I know that Nat would show you how to help but it... it's embarrassing". Wanda laced your hands with hers before saying "I know now and that's all that matters. You have nothing to be embarrassed about with me Y/N okay, we can work through this together on your good days and your bad days. How about tomorrow, you, me and Nat do some training together and then she can show me some techniques to help you out?". You nodded enthusiastically before kissing Wanda softly on the lips. "Thank you for understanding, I love you". "I love you too Y/N".
The next morning, Wanda stayed true to her word. You did some much needed training with the two most important people in your life and then Natasha demonstrated some ways to help calm you down during a panic attack. It made your heart swell to know they both cared so much for you and they made you feel truly accepted, something you had never experienced growing up. Then, the next time you had a panic attack, Wanda was by your side, guiding you through it just because she loves you.

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