After that is squared away I look around the room once again. There is barely any light here at all except for a bare bulb in the center of the room that must be the lowest wattage possible, due to it's insufficient glow I can't make out too much of my surroundings. I notice behind it what can only be an automatic garage door due to the size of the large rectangle and the line of square windows at the top. It is either nighttime or one of the people that brought me here blacked out the windows with paint because I can't make out any light beyond those windows.

I jump when a door on the wall to the right side of me opens that I hadn't noticed before. In walk seven shadowy figures. My eyes widen when I take in the costumes they are wearing. Each of them draped in an oversized velvety cloak and donning identical masks to those that my soulmates wore in the extended version of the Fake Love music video.

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I know I should be afraid. I should wonder what they are planning on doing with me, but there is nothing scary about their costumes outside of the mystery of who is wearing them. In fact, it strikes me as a bit silly to be using such a costume in this situation in the first place.

I'm not stupid enough laugh at their costumes or to ask them to let me go. The letter indicated that they wanted me out of the picture for some reason, but for what reason I don't know yet. Although, judging by the masks I have somewhat of an idea. They are probably sasaengs. Each one is probably wearing the specific mask assigned to the member they specifically stan as their bias.

I grip the bars again and that's when I remember my injury. I point it out. "Does one of you perhaps have a bandaid and some antibacterial ointment?"

Six of the heads turn to the one currently standing in the middle. That cloaked figure turns to the one at the end on the right closest to the door. "WBS, go get the first aid kit from the bathroom." From the voice I have already worked out that the person behind that mask in particular is Hye Rin and apparently she is the leader behind this rag tag group of hostile sasaeng.

I can't let on that I know Korean though so I pretend to play dumb. "Where is that person going? Are they going to get the bandaid for me I requested? Are...are you going to hurt me further?" I back up against the back of the cage, although there is nowhere for me to really go if they do choose to inflict some kind of violent punishment on me.

Before any of them can reply the individual that went inside comes back with a plastic ziplock bag. You call that a first aid kit? I can't help but think to myself.

"We didn't have a full first aid kit, but I did find some bandaids in the bathroom." She's definitely female and sounds somewhat familiar to me also, but I can't quite place her voice.

Great. So, I risk suffering from an infection from the rusty iron. Just peachy!

"Once again WBS you failed in your duties. Weren't you the one that was supposed to bring a first aid kit in the first place before you ever boarded the plane out here?" Hye Rin lashes out at her in obvious exasperation.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now