Approaching the sheet, Helena examined it, concluding. "I think the painters might have actually just left it here..."

The, with a sudden tug, the fabric fell to the floor, pulled by Alice's little hand. Everyone went silent for a moment, before the toddler started clapping, letting out. "Yay!"

"Well... that was underwhelming." Helena chuckled.

"'Yay' is a good speech." Mark shrugged. "You could almost say Ali has a way with words."

"Well, you heard the lady. 'Yay', now let's get back to work." Jackson invited.


Helena charted at the nurses station by the surgery board, Alex sitting by her.

"Awesome. We are awesome." Cristina smiled down at the medical magazine she was holding. "Did you see our picture in this?"

"We do look pretty good." The small girl smile. "Professional."

"I am at 28 weeks and I am worried about DiGeorge syndrome..." Meredith sighed, her baby bump prominent as ever.

"DiGeorge?" Alex furrowed his brows, asking Helena. "That's, what, 1 in 100000?"

"Yeah, it's too rare, Mer. You can't start thinking of all the awful possibilities or you'll go mad." She nodded.

"More likely it will have a cleft palate or a heart defect." Alex shrugged, making Helena smack the back of his head.

"If your baby has a heart defect, I will fix it." Cristina offered.

"What about phenylketonuria?" Meredith asked her younger friend.

"We screen for that at birth and treat it with diet." She explained. "Really, stop worrying."

"What about a giant hemangioma? Like a huge, out of control blordsucker?!" The blond insisted, making the pediatric surgeon shoot her a look.

"Or maybe a congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation." Alex teased.

"Look, I'm a baby and child surgeon, Mer! Whatever your baby has, I'll fix it." Helena proposed.

"Uh, and we own a hospital!" Cristina looked up from the surgical magazine. "'A cutting-edge, research-oriented hospital with an advanced Level-I trauma center.' Whatever is wrong with your baby, we will fix it!"

"But you agree there's something wrong?" Meredith insisted.

"Meredith Grey, stop it. Your baby is fine. And, if they're not, we'll deal with it when we know more. Now, I'm walking away and going to go help actually sick kids, instead of your hypothetically sick one."


"Oh, Lena!" Bailey called out, as Helena walked down the hallway. "You got a sec?"

"Bailey, good morning." The short girl smiled, the older woman joining her in a walk. "I have to go to the NICU, right now, sorry."

"Well, I have to get some funding for my genome project." The woman shrugged.

"You're... pitching me?"

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